
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

PAS leader asks if Perkasa’s planning electoral fraud

December 21, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 21 — A PAS leader today cast suspicion over Perkasa’s apparent indelible ink fear and boycott threat, asking if the Malay rights group was planning electoral fraud in the general election.
“Why are they worried? Are they planning to get involved in double-voting?” Kuala Krai MP Dr Hatta Ramli asked today.
Hatta, who also sits on the parliamentary select committee for electoral reforms, added that Perkasa’s remark on the issue yesterday was otherwise baffling and “makes no sense”.
In a statement here, Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Ali had warned the administration that the Malays would boycott the coming polls if the Election Commission (EC) proceeds with plans to use the indelible ink.
The leader had also said he, along with many other Perkasa members, would likely avoid the polls as well, adding that the push to use the ink was a ploy by those who knew its implementation would discourage the Malays from voting.
“It makes no sense. Why would the Malays not vote? Is the ink dirty?” Hatta asked.
“I would suggest to them to think about it again (coming out to vote). You have nothing to lose by using the ink but it could surely deter anybody from committing fraud in the polls and that is a move forward,” he said.
Hatta also pointed out to Perkasa that avoiding the polls would result in the election of a government they may oppose to.
“So don’t blame others if someone you do not like gets voted into government,” he said.
Hatta, who is also a strong advocate of Bersih 2.0’s electoral reforms demands, reminded Perkasa that the decision to use the indelible ink was born out of public pressure.
He said the PSC, which was formed following widespread backlash against the Najib administration after Bersih 2.0’s July 9 rally, had taken into consideration the views of numerous parties before agreeding on using the ink.
“The indelible ink is the best way to prevent double-voting,” he said.

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