
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 21, 2012

AG's Appeal - "black as hell, dark as night"?

RPK borrowed and paraphrased the opening phrase of a soliloquy in Shakespeare's Hamletfor the title of his latest post in his Corridors of Power column.

In To file or not to file, that’s the question, he reckoned the AG’s appeal against the dismissal of charges in the infamous Sodomy II case has to do with Najib’s kowtowing to pressure from UMNO hardliners to ensure his own survival as UMNO president.

Pakatan has obviously picked up on that suspicion, as reflected in The Malaysian Insider’s Najib ceding to Umno hawks over court appeals, says Pakatan.

I am not too sure about that, based on what I posted last week, namely Najib + Anwar versus Dr M?, where I referred to the writings of 3 other bloggers, namely RPK (quoting Haris Ibrahim), Mohd Arshad Raji and the blogger ofCorrupted Barisan Nasional website.

Though the last two are pro Pakatan bloggers, the message in each either hinted or alluded to a deal done between Najib and Anwar Ibrahim which resulted in his Sodomy II charges being dismissed by the court.

The alleged deal was supposed to shore up Najib’s position in UMNO, specifically against Dr M's moves, which led the 3rd blogger to write:

The acquittal surprises many people – from opposition parties, Najib administration, former premier Mahathir and even Anwar himself.

But was Anwar really surprised with the verdict? For a person who was about 90% to be sent behind bars for the second time for the same sodomy charge, Anwar doesn’t seems to be the happiest person in comparison to his wife, daughters, the thousands cheering crowds and his buddies from the opposition parties.

But the question I have been asking has been:OK, if there is a deal, how in the world is Najib going to ensure Anwar fulfil his part of the alleged ‘deal’ once he’s released?

Mind you, just extending from that idle pondering, I wonder whether RPK and Pakatan might both be wrong to suggest that Najib had surrendered grounds to the ultras by allowing the Ag to appeal and continue with the mockery of the scandalous case.

Thus when I read Malaysiakini’s Anwar's sodomy acquittal a Pyrrhic victory, I wonder whether the ‘appeal’ has been to serve as a ‘Sword of Damocles’ over Anwar's head?

I know my God-fearing MBS headmaster used to tell me (reinforced forcefully with six strokes of his cane) that ‘idleness is evil’, but I still couldn’t but help having idle thoughts, that if Najib were to win big in GE-13, then the‘Sword’ will be removed.

Perhaps Hamlet’s immortal words may not be the appropriate quotation for RPK to use, but rather the last two lines of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 147:

For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright,
Who art as black as hell, as dark as night

... where, incidentally, it can also apply to the 3rd blogger’s claim in his post 
Anwar’s Acquittal – What Are The Hidden Messages? that ‘Big Mama’ was actually the one who prompted Najib into this action, wakakaka.

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