
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 27, 2012

Himpun condemns fake letters to Penang mosques

Himpun, the network of Malay NGOs, planning a mega-rally in Penang this weekend, has condemned the distribution of fake official invitation letters sent to mosques, urging Muslims to participate in the event.

One of the organisers, Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid, described the whole episode, including the use of the state government logo on the letters with the forged signature of Penang exco on Islamic affairs Abdul Malik Abul Kassim, as a "dirty and unethical" act.

"It creates confusion (among the public) by using the state government's name and Himpun," he said in a statement today.

"We cannot accept this act and the police report lodged by Abdul Malik as the state exco for religious affairs yesterday is correct and it is appropriate that the police investigate the matter immediately," he added.

Mohd Azmi was referring to the letter entitled ‘Jemputan MenghadiriProgram Perhimpunan Ummah Selamatkan Akidah' dated Jan 19, urging Muslims to attend the "One Million Muslim rally" organised by Himpun planned for Saturday in Kepala Batas.

NONEAbdul Malik (left) has vehementlydenied issuing the letter, which has made its rounds since Wednesday, and has since lodged a police report over the matter following several complaints from mosque committees.

Penang govt's decision respected

Meanwhile, Mohd Azmi said he respects the state government's decision not to participate in the Himpun rally, nor endorse the event.

He added there were no plans to invite the state government, whether to participate in the event directly or indirectly.

"As I see it, the right of Muslims to gather to discuss problems related to the Muslim community must be respected, and the state government has the right to decline participation or acknowledgement of the event," he said.

The president of Teras (Teras Pengupayaan Melayu) said the conversion of Muslims to other faiths (apostasy) was against the law.

himpun rally crowd 2However, Himpun does not want to create tension in the community and is committed to defend the harmony among the various faiths in the country as long as the position of Islam and the rights of Muslims are not threatened, he added.

He stressed that others should be sensitive to the issue of apostasy affecting the Muslims as it is occuring in the country, and steps must be taken the control the situation.

But he urged all parties not to politicise the issue of apostasy according to narrow personal interests.

"Any action to tarnish the intention to defend the Muslim faith by abusing the facilities and damaging the good name of the state government and at the same time, destorying the group sincerely fighting for Muslims is much regretted and has to be stopped immediately," he added.

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