
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ibrahim Ali, a Malay (a non non-Malay), talking rubbish once again

Ibrahim Ali, a Malay (a non non-Malay), talking rubbish once again
A former National Feedlot Corporation (NFCorp) employee, who is alleged to have leaked the company’s financial records, was fired for stealing RM2.7 million in cash and will soon face criminal charges, Datuk Ibrahim Ali said today. The Perkasa chief said the “non-Malay” marketing executive, who was in charge of collecting cash payments from the NFCorp’s clients, had squirrelled away RM10,000 to RM20,000 daily before he was caught by company accountants.
NFCorp chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail subsequently lodged a police report and sacked the employee in question. It turns out before this Datuk Salleh had two non-Malay employees. They handled RM150,000 in cash every day. One of these employees syphoned off the money. He further alleged that the employee then stole the company’s cashbook as revenge for the dismissal and may have sold it to PKR, which led to the charge against the scandal-tainted NFCorp." Malaysian Insider quoting Ibrahim Ali, 22/01/2012.
Occasionally, you must fight fire with fire, as opposed to dousing it with cold water. No pulling punches, no being apologetic in tone, manner or reaction. A knee-jerk retort is called for and that's what this mfcuking arsehole will get from me.
Deliberate and vicious racist conduct and speech delivered with the full intention of stirring up racist sentiments and social unrest must be met head on, countered and stopped dead in its tracks.
Ibrahim Ali is a man with no credibility or real support whatsoever. He threatened 15,000 of his bigoted supporters would march to derail Bersih 2.0 and 500,000 to counter the planned gathering to support Anwar Ibrahim outside the Jalan Duta Court Complex. In the event, he could not deliver 50 supporters, claiming lamely in the case of Bersih 2.0 that his "Home Office" (wife) would not approve or deliver his "passport" for attendance.
What a vacuous, insipid cowardly piss artist
Here is a turd who could not organize a piss up in a brewery who, unsolicited, has apparently taken up the cudgel to "defend" allegations of financial impropriety at the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), recipient of a $250 million 25-year Government loan to develop a sustainable supply of beef and dairy products in Malaysia. Public concern was fully justified after the Auditor General (AG) was quoted from his report to Parliament and elsewhere where the project was described as "in a mess".
We should all understand that the AG's findings and report were based on an audit of the Ministry of Agriculture, the party which disbursed the loan, in order to ascertain the recoverability of the massive low interest loan. The AG does not have the authority to audit private companies such as NFC unless they request it, or, the Government prudently orders it to satisfy itself that $250 million of Taxpayers' money has not slipped into non-performance status.
When did the NFC issue become a Malay vs Non-Malay affair? I don't recall reading such a turnout of events in any MSM or online news portals when the NFC debacle was reported, do you?
Does anyone recall reading headlines such as "Malay CEO, Minister and family members suspected of Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT)"?After all, the AG is himself a Malay. Should he have ordered a cover up because some Malays were implicated?
And who appointed Ibrahim Ali referee? NFC? Why would NFC invite a spineless demagogue into the fray?
What really pisses me off is that the AG should entertain IA at all.
The AG has reported as is his statutory duty and now it is a matter for the Public Accounts Committee, Police and Malaysian Association for Cows and Carse to act upon. Why has the AG brought the independence of the Audit Department into question and lowered its reputation and esteem in the eye of the Malaysian public by being seen together in the same planet as the worthless AI who:
1. In April 2011 made sexist remarks in Parliament blaming "wives who neglect their responsibilities" for Malaysian men having extra-marital affairs.
2. In May 2011threatened to wage "Holy War" against Christians over an alleged (totally false) plot by Christians to replace Islam as the "religion of the Federation" in Malaysia.
3. In June 2011 warned the Chinese community not to turn up for Bersih 2.0 saying "untoward incidents" may occur for which remark Khairuddin Jamaluddin labelled him a racist. Predictably, IA claimed he was misquoted or misunderstood.
4. Twice now has jumped political affiliation and therefore does not really represent the electorate anywhere.
5. The possibility our DPM might yet honourably resign for a possible Titanic-like financial disaster occurring under his watch.
Really, this tirade by AI about non-Muslim employees of NFC absconding with $2.7 million is a red herring. It is meant to distract and deflect attention away from the real issues facing NFC, which are, inter-alia:
1. A possible massive loss of a $250 million to the Malaysian Taxpayer.
2. The possibilities of massive financial CBT, fraud, abuse of authority and misrepresentation.
3. The possibility that top management had initiated a $1.76 million bribery attempt of our Police to halt investigations of financial misdeeds. (Curiously why have the Police only charged an individual with "deceiving NFC's CEO" into parting with $1.76 million but not the CEO himself with possibly, attempted bribery which was the original complaint?
4. The possibility of the sacking of a Federal Minister for alleged personal involvement in NFC's affairs and securing the project through crony connections.
Where does Malay/non-Malay come into the equation?
Only in the eyes of a politically bankrupt and morally depraved ass/donkey/frog, it does!
We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
Donplaypuks® with Malay/Non-Malay, you slime!

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