
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, January 15, 2012

NFC is just one rot of a termite colony

So there must be truth in the National Feedlot Corporation or now refereed to Nepotism Family Corruption if we are able to read more to what damage control is being taken to contain this scandal.It is putting the Nation into a Fit over alleged Corruption.

When it was exposed by the AG Report and taken up by Pakatan, there was so much denial, defending and assurance of transparency and accountability by the government that everything was done legally, legitimately and for the good of the country.

Even those Ministers involved in the Ministry are still insisting nothing was overboard. Beef production was above the benchmark, the cowdominium was legit and there is no nepotism, conflict of interest or intention to cheat taxpayers money.

Now it seems a solution is being sought. What solution? Repayment of the loan or how it was given out or if there was conflict of interest or the condos were required and good investments.

There is still so much denial for a government who have said so often they have changed, transformed, corruption is on the decrease, everything thing is done legally, they are transparent and accountable. Should not the whole lot be responsible or are they going to let the family out into the pastures and in the cold to take the heat? Will collateral damage be acceptable for one family and Minister for the sake of the greater good of the party and other leaders?

If Pakatan has not pursued the matter, the rot would not be exposed right? NFC is just a drop of the bigger rot - gargantuan rot that has been hidden from the people. The government has not seen anything amiss in setting up the NFC. Power has gone to their head. It has made them arrogant. They are behaving like the people's taxpayers' monies are theirs and that those who work hard and get summoned and fined for paying their income tax late owe these leaders and their family free money to get rich. They seem to be laying claim to the nation's wealth and future that it is their right! Worse, they will argue it is the people who voted them to have a free hand to dip into the cookie jar!

If we know our history, a change of government will reveal all the rot that have been hidden from the people. The Arab spring have resulted in lots of woodworm crawling out from the rot that have been hidden from the people.

We don't have to look that far. When Pakatan took over some states even though ex BN leaders tried to shred sensitive documents, the rot and abuse of power and corruption were exposed.

The fact that all in the family came to the defence of the family involved in NFC is an age old human behaviour of sticking with the herd because if one decides to be whistleblower, the rest of the pack will fall like tenpins! There is too much at stake to be an honest leader these days. And there is a call to just swear over the holy book and start with the corruption and plunder again. There is even a call to forgive lesser corruption! It is like saying it's ok to bribe for minor summons and offences huh?

NFC is just one rot of a termite colony  that have been in the making for more than 50 years. It's time we exterminate the pests, throw away the rotten wood and replace them.

The sad thing is that the rural folks have been at the poverty level where they are comfortable or being told that termites are part of their lives and even their homes and they should co exist with them. Just like their shambled dwellings they believe the stories the leaders tell them.

Are we resigned to accept the way corruption is being institutionalised and part of the BN culture of turning BolehLand into? Since the anti corruption institutions don't seem to dig up the queen and termites, is it proof the foundation of our country is not rotten but in perfect condition huh?

Thinking folks are now resigned to the fact that the crooks in government are getting smarter. Rather than steal outright, they are masked under the name, development where billions are to be spent and many times more under the name of rising prices of raw materials and inflation, and more money required under the name of stubborn citizens unwilling to give up their land or refusing to support the billion dollar projects. Projects given based on nepotism and patronage fall under giving to only those qualified or the impeccable argument Article 153 giving them the absolute divine right to dip into the kitty to uplift the race, religion and what not right?

The NFC scandal has evolved a new term in BolehLand. We use the term something getting from bad to worse as 'going to the dogs'. In BolehLand it is being complemented now by 'going to the cows' too! - YAHMEH!!!

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