
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 2, 2012

Pakatan Rakyat : Dulu, kini dan selama lamanya?

What did Petra said that has not been said before? Nothing. Elek. Zilch. And yet the main stream media (MSM) went into overdrive and was able to spin the whole “RPK exposure” into a supposedly deadly projectile that wounded the opposition and baited its attendant islands into a frenzy of denials and outright claims of lies and slander made by RPK. It goaded many into hurried damage control and defense mechanism mode to minimize damage to DSAI, to PKR and to all things Pakatan Rakyat.

But really people what new news has RPK brought from London to Singapore and from thence to you all in Malaysia and then to me in Adelaide? All things considered what upset me most was the arrogance displayed by RPK in giving that interview! More arrogant then Nazri Aziz, then KJ or even the great man himself, Mahathir! But then that has been RPK style all along - so what's me worry?

Apart from the arrogance displayed by RPK nothing else interest me enough to want to sit down and dash of my comments to what he said onto my blog quick smart.

I read about it at around 10 p.m. in FMT on Sunday night. Slept on it and it was only after I read about Haris Ibrahim resignation because of what Haris alleged RPK said and did, at around 6 p.m. today – then and only then did it move me to write. And that to, to write more on Haris resignation as President of MCLM then on what RPK said in the MSM.        

When all is said and done the only revelations that RPK made that was unknown to me was the prosecution insistence for a free hand in the sodomy two case. Everything else I know. And if I know then I am sure you too know! 

That PKR is having problems. Check. 
That Azmin is having problems. Check. 
That Nurrul is talked about as the next Messiah. Check. 
That Anwar is guilty. Check. 
That Anwar was in the Carcosa tapes. Check. 
That Anwar will be found guilty. Check. 
Bribery in Selangor. Check. 
Anwar may become irrelevant. Check. 
Rights group not a third force. Check-there are a work in progress! 
Anwar morally unfit to become PM. Go check my blog - I have been saying this from way back when! Check!

And the response is also predictable. Raja Petra adalah blogger upahan UMNO!

But Haris Ibrahim’s resignation as President of MCLM is a durian runtuh for UMNO and Barisan Nasional….and this I guess, will overshadow whatever it is that RPK has said in Singapore these last few days…..which really brought matters back to the status quo before RPK said anything to the MSM….except that we are now left without a President for MCLM. So how?

“Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!”
Willaim Shakespear  

I am now going to be a ‘bujang senang’ for a while and take a spot high above you all and watch the goings on in these next few days….as the Chinese like to say "We live in interesting times”. 

I still think those two Malay guys, Anwar and Zaid, should get together and work out something. Anything! But I am not going to hold my breath waiting for it to happen!  

For the rest of us let us not forget our focus. 

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