
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 2, 2012

RPK mounting vicious attacks on DSAI, working in cahoots with UMNO-controlled MSM

Raja Petra
By now many readers of New Sunday Times and Mingguan Utusan would have been overloaded with lots of innuendoes, half truths by the once-esteemed blogger whose fulll name I won't even dignify to mention because I deem him a scum and of an order not fit to address with his father-given name.

On the same day (A SUNDAY, also January 1 ushering in the significant New Year of the Dragon...), there is an online portal (its name also won't be promoted here!) known to be financed by a failed politician but still prosperous businessman John Soh running a similar story in an exclusive interview with the fugitive blogger denigrating Anwar's political role.

A different sort of portal more like aggregating other blogwrites and doing follow-up like any press, MOLE.COM, relatively new, features "RPK changing sides, again?", has a link to Mole.com owner/part-owner? Rockybru, aka Datuk Ahirudin Attan, at whose site I left a comment, viz:

(To rockybru's piece titeld "RPK's nail in Anwar Ibrahim's coffin", my cheeky comment reads:
Blogger desiderata said...
Rockybru, I beg to differ wit' your post's title, instead more apt: "The nail is on RPK's own coffin!"
COS this guy has been changing like the weather, you see that in MCLM's sidekick Haris Ibrahim too. First they say the are a 3rd force, not taking part in GE; later they say No, we want to nominate candidates to contest under PR component parties without getting prior sanction from PAS, DAP and PKR.

To me, the NST has "copulated" the once-esteemed blogger -- I wonder how much is the price? Higher than Yee Mee Foong the crippled who collapsed the PR state government in Perak?
11:16 PM

I will just postpone another comment at the MOLE.COM after it appears****, but it's worth remarking that even pro-UMNO bloggers like rockybru won't shut out readers' comments challenging his viewpoints, or demean them with sarcasm like the socalled popular M2Day's owner also the blogger hyding away in England the past two years and yet he deems himself an authority on Malaysian politics, and expects his fans to take his word as gospel truth.

My comment UPLOADED@10.24PM, --wit' typos, warts and all -- :: RPK a blogger once esteemed in my eyes until about two years ago, used to preach Islam lots in his M2Day. But he has been creating "fitnah", including writing false accusations against writers who don't agree with him I usually adopt the stance of "Let's be agreeable in our disagreement" and I don't have problem debating with pro-UMNO bloggers like Rockybu, Big Dod and aVoice, knot Midnight. But with this RPK, he catch him telling half-truths and outright lies, so UMNO should not celebrate too early. Seew how this coward of a blogger living in luxury in London first headlined many reports that "Rosmah was at scene of Altantunya's murder...." but he changed his tune later attribuiting it to Other Sources. So convcenient AFTER creating the false IMPRESSION amon the readers about Rosmah vizavizi Altantuya, and RPK is the one preaching often that Impression is everything in politics, hence many journalists are expert "spinners".***************************************

Now I'm borrowing a reader's comments from fellow blogger Din Merican's post titled "RPK (360)?: Anwar may become irrelevant. I think the writer who ID himself as Don has been featured my my blog before; THE DON knows indepth what's going on with RPK, hence I am proud to reproduce his two comments (THANKS, Don, endless tehtarik on me ~~ Desi:), viz:

"I honestly feel sorry for this man, if he can be called a man. A man that has run away from the law, no matter how unfair it is, is not a freedom fighter, RPK is just a hired writer.
He has no means of income, he is personally broke, that much he has admitted himself, yet he lives a luxurious life, travels here and there, etc. and so to sell his soul is his only choice.
He is a man on a vengeance roll, mainly against Anwar and Azmin, the same Anwar he once defended. However, Anwar would not play ball with him, as Mahathir, Sanusi, Najib, etc. do, so this is his revenge.
He thinks he knows it all, and those that disagree with him, will face his wrath, even if it’s unjustified.
When the whole world believes that Anwar has not been given a fair trail,RPK, the self declared know it all, believes otherwise, which is coincidentally BN’s view.
RPK himself has censured both Augustine Paul and the present judge on Sodomy 2, and now, in an interview with the BN’s media, he says otherwise.
He is BN’s and Najib’s last resort, and mind you, many believe he has been cornered by Najib, and Najib has his balls in his hands.
Tell me RPK, what is it that you have achieved in life?
Have you taken a corporation and created value for it?
Have you created jobs for the jobless?
Have you helped the under priveleged?
Have you done anything that has resulted in making us more educated, besides gossip that is?
Have you educated a group of intellectuals, persons, etc. in achieving something far greater than they thought that they were capable of, and they in turn have gone out into the world, and attained outstanding achievements, as a result of your input into them? Not politically, but economically even.
Have you made outstanding advances into something that will eventually make life easier for us?
Have you attended an outstanding college or university and is recognised for it, and made your children to walk in your similar footsteps?
You have no money, even to support your children through university, and depend on the generosity of the british govt, and your paymasters, to feed your family and educate your kids, what a shame that has befallen you. And yet you give lectures and sermons about religion, God and the like.
You are good talker, and you twist your positions, faster than Badawi, Najib and KJ combined.
You make no sense, and the interviewers’ know it, and everyone can see that the whole interview was well scripted.
Do tell what is it that you have done, that you think makes you as superior as you think you are, even remotely.
Put your CV against Anwar, or even Azmin, or even some lesser known PKR politicians, and you will be embarrassed, that is if you are capable of feeling some degree of shame.
Your true self has just emerged, and those that continue to underestimate you, and continue to think that you will fight for truth and justice, do so at their own peril.
You are just a self serving ignorant old fool, and a shameless one at that too.
Sheesh, the shame that has befallen this person is, I believe, caused by divine intervention, because he is quick to judge and condemn everyone, but himself, and his hypocrisy is caused by the devil.
He is better than all the imams/pastors/priests, etc. put together, better than all the economists put together, better than all the lawyers put together, better than all the statisticians put together, he is an expert in everything, well, he thinks he is better than God Himself.
Remember RPK, who God wants to destroy, He makes them crazy first, you are nearly there.
You can play every role that you want, but do not play God, God will not put up with that.
You are living the lie that the devil has taught you.

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