
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Speak now or forever hold your tongue

I have written about the Menteri Besar of Kedah way before the March 2008 general election and before the MB became the MB. The story I wrote was about how he told a closed-door meeting of PAS members that Anwar Ibrahim is not really innocent of the charges against him. In other words, Anwar is guilty of sodomy as charged.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) supports ABU or the ‘Anything But Umno’ (Asalkan Bukan Umno) movement. According to the SAMM website (see herehttp://www.anakmudamalaysia.com/), che’GuBard is the Pengasas (founder) of SAMM.

Then we have the Malaysiakini news report below, which appears to be the reverse of ABU.

What do you make of this U-turn? Is SAMM a Trojan horse? Is it secretly working for Umno and Barisan Nasional? Is it trying to sabotage the efforts of Pakatan Rakyat in ousting Barisan Nasional? Have they been bought over? Even if you are not happy with the opposition, why speak out now? Why raise issues so close to the next general election?

“Azizan must insaf (repent) and realise that the suspended students are brave enough to state the truth, unlike others who apple polish and are willing to pawn their principles,” said Adam Adli Abdul Halim.

Adam Adli is the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) student who was suspended for three semesters for lowering a flag depicting Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak at the PWTC.

Is Adam Adli calling those who support the opposition without question ‘apple polishers’? How dare he!

The opposition must begin to accept that there are those who oppose Barisan Nasional and Umno based on principles. And because of these same principles they will also oppose the opposition whenever the opposition errs.

These people are intelligent and educated and can think for themselves. They will not oppose the government for the sake of opposing or support the opposition blindly. Right can never be wrong and wrong be right just because you oppose one side and support the other.

This is the mark of a thinking society.

I have written about the Menteri Besar of Kedah way before the March 2008 general election and before the MB became the MB. The story I wrote was about how he told a closed-door meeting of PAS members that Anwar Ibrahim is not really innocent of the charges against him. In other words, Anwar is guilty of sodomy as charged.

Yet, in spite of his perceived anti-Anwar stance, he was still appointed the MB of Kedah.

If I had a devious mind I would say that this latest ‘outburst’ (the word they use to describe my actions) is a conspiracy by Anwar to bring down the MB. And are not Adam Adli and che’GuBard PKR supporters? Adam Adli had been photographed with Anwar while che’GuBard is a PKR leader. My theory, therefore, would be plausible.

But no, there is no devious plot involved here. We can’t label every criticism by opposition supporters against the opposition as a mala fide devious plot to do harm to the opposition.

In the Galas by-election in Gua Musang in 2010, I wrote that PAS was going to lose. And I gave my reasons as to why they were going to lose that by-election. I did not whack the opposition. I just wrote my analysis. And PAS did lose.

Sometimes we can’t be too diplomatic. Sometimes we need to whack. When we whack it upsets people, no doubt. But it also wakes them up from their slumber. We can be kind by being diplomatic. Or we can also be cruel to be kind. Different situations require different courses of action.

The Galas by-election was a clear derelict of duty by the state government. The writings were on the wall. PAS was going to lose. But they could have won had they taken corrective action. DAP knew this. PAS knew this. PKR knew this. Umno knew this. But no one did anything and PAS got whacked.

Is it not better that we whack PAS than the voters do? At least if we whack PAS and they wake up and the voters do not whack them, some good would come out of it. But if we are scared of being called a traitor, turncoat, Trojan horse, and whatnot, and we keep quiet, and then the voters whack them good and proper, we would be doing a great disservice to the cause.

I do not believe that we should keep quiet and not rock the boat until after the next general election. I do not believe that we must first allow Pakatan Rakyat to form the next government before we scream and shout about what we are not happy about. It is okay if they do win the election. But what if what happened in Galas happens all over the country? Would lamenting be of any good then?
(Malaysiakini) - Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) has demanded that Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak reverse the suspension of five students at the state-owned institution of higher learning or risk being booted out in the next general election.

 “The students are those without political motives (who) championing for truth and freedom... if Azizan stays egoistic in not solving the problem prudently, don’t be surprised if the students with all their power will bring down this leader in the 13th general election,” said the group.

Azizan has backed Kolej Universiti Insaniah (Kuin) in Alor Setar in suspending five of its students under the much-contested University and University Colleges Act (UUCA) in May last year.

The PAS menteri besar’s support is also contradictory to Pakatan Rakyat’s promises under their Buku Jingga (Orange Book), where the opposition’s pact has vowed to repeal the contentious legislation.

“Azizan should be prepared to face the results of his every action in ignoring the voice of the students,” said the student coalition in a statement yesterday.

In condemning the state leadership’s support for the institution’s decision in using the “draconian” law to restrict students’ freedom of expression, the groups said:

“As the menteri besar, he should know his actions will defeat the purpose of the Orange Book and will be seen as rhetorics to students.

“Despite the resistance from Pakatan leadership and student movements, Azizan is still on the offensive.”

In another statement, Aksi Kami Progresif (AKP), made up of three student groups including Legasi Mahasiswa Progresif, its coordinator Adam Adli Abdul Halim also rebuked Azizan for “disrespecting” the rights of the students.

“Azizan must insaf and realise that the suspended students are brave enough to state the truth, unlike others who apple polish and are willing to pawn their principles,” he added.

The movement urged the menteri besar to lift the suspension and fulfil Pakatan’s promise to safeguard students’ rights to freedom of expression.

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