
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Technically, we are all Africans and Orang Asli are the true Malays while the REST so-called Malays are FAKE MALAYS.

YOURSAY ‘Are there any plans for Najib to introduce 1Africa? Or perhaps give African Muslims ‘Malay' status?'

Orang Asli are the true Malays. So, the rest of the so-called Malays are FAKE MALAYS, just created by UMNO during Tun Dr Mahathir's regime to benefit the NEP and to create a major Malay majority to distort the other Malaysians of their privilege.

So, is it right to say the the word "Malay" in the Malaysian Federal Constitution refers to the Orang Asli. But, however the Federal Constitution define "Malay" under Article 160(2) as:

"A Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia".

So, to avoid misunderstanding, the UMNO/BN government managed to change the Orang Asli's as Pribumi while these 'fake' Malays became Bumiputras, with the introduction of the NEP in 1970, so that this group could enjoy the privilege of Article 153.

Geneticist clarifies role of Proto-Malays in human origin

your sayBlind Freddo: It's so much better when you can hear the facts from the source. Oxford University geneticist Dr Stephen Oppenheimer puts a much more objective and less biased view of his work than has been widely interpreted.

To call a group of Orang Asli ‘Proto-Malays' was politically insensitive, but then Oppenheimer probably didn't realise how insecure and desperate for recognition are the modern Malays.

ONG: "Proto" indicates or refers to "first" or "earliest" or "original". Proto-Malay therefore means the original or earliest Malay.

It appears that Oppenheimer is telling us that our present Orang Asli are descendants of the original, real Malays.

Since there can be only one original, the self-proclaimed ‘ketuanan' Malays, who have always looked down on our Orang Asli as backward people and from a different stock, must be fake Malays.

If the defined-by-constitution fake Umno Malays understand what Oppenheimer is trying to tell us, it is likely that very soon they will get our Immigration Department to deport him.

Cloudnine: The Chinese don't look like Africans at all. Africans - thick lips, dark skin, some very muscular. You compare them with Chinese, do Africans have slit eyes?

India is next to China, yet their people look so different. This theory about Africans being original humans is baloney.

OMG: Cloudnine is in denial. We are all from one race, the human race. Evolution and adaptation means we evolved differently based on our geographical differences, but we are brothers and sisters - African, Indian, European, Chinese and Arab.

Azizi Khan: So technically, we are all Africans. Are there any plans for Umno and PM Najib Razak to introduce 1Africa? Or perhaps give African Muslims ‘Malay' status?

Jiminy Qrikert: Azizi Khan, no-lah, now in Bolehland, technically we are all Malays. I think 'technically Malay' is far better than 'technically Africans.'

The former means I am now 'bumiputera come home to roost.' The latter means I get into a stupid debate with Cloudnine.

Then we can work towards 'technically Malaysian' and from there, we must all, by default, embrace 'we are technically all 1Malaysians.'

So, now for race I can write 'Malay' and for 'religion,' I can write anything but Muslim. Go, Oppenheimer, go! Eat your heart out, Umno - we are all technically Malays.

The Rover: So let us (Malaysiakini included) report the truth clearly so that people will not be confused: The Orang Asli (Senoi, Semang, Negritos - they are Africans, are they not?) are the true torch bearers, not the other races.

Let this be made clear in any school textbook and in any scholarly proceedings.

Open Minded: I do not know what's the fuss about who was the original human race and who came after and so on. What is important to me is not where or how we came from, but in what direction we are heading.

United Malaysian: This article should have been printed in a science journal, not on Malaysiakini where everyone thinks (or likes to think) that everything is political and racial.

I personally don't think this is about supremacy or anything, it's just a study on the origins of the Proto-Malays, that's it.

RbHisham: Indonesia only came into existence on Aug 17, 1945. Before that there was no Indonesia, only the Dutch Indies. What was there before the Dutch Indies?

It's same case in Malaysia - they have all these kerajaan-kerajaan - Perlak, Acheh, Sunda, Jawa, Mendailing, Jambi, Palembang, Bali, Bugis, Minang, Batak and all other kerajaan or kingdoms with relatively similar structure as in the old Malay kerajaan of Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Johor, Selangor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Brunei and Sulu.

And all these kerajaan were converted by the European colonialists as one single political unit for administrative and economic expediency.

This colonial constructed political unit became the embryo for the formation of Indonesia in 1945 and Malaya in 1957. Malaysia only came later in 1963.

Wfworker: Most of the United Nations members today were created by the colonial powers from the West. Otherwise, we may have to accommodate 1,000 member nations at the UN.

Yes, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and most of the African and South American states are all created because of the West.

From thence, we created the constitutional Malays in Malaysia who technically could not qualify being a Malay if genetic practices and rules are applied. It is all political expediency.

VP Biden: So now we all Africans. Cool. Beyonce is one hot mama. Please give her Malaysian citizenship...

- Malaysiakini with own comments

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