
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Umno's latest secret weapon - “Professor Kangkong”

Umno's latest secret weapon - “Professor Kangkong”
Things are not going well for UMNO, it is under fire from all fronts. Not only are its famed and highly-paid cyber-troopers causing more harm than good with their obscene and crude commentaries, its big 'educational' weapon in the form of Oxford-graduate Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin has been a miserable letdown with his sometimes left and sometimes right leanings. Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali too has been a huge disappointment, making not just UMNO but entire Malay community seem dumb and born without brains.
Thus, it comes as no surprise that a desperate UMNO has decided to engage academicians to provide 'intellectual' support. Of course, academicians have always known which side their bread is buttered, but with the political stakes heightened as GE-13 approaches, targeted 'analysis' aimed to upset the opposition's apple cart is worth 'paying' for.
Shoots itself in the foot
Unfortunately due to UMNO’s own fault for not giving promotions based on merit but on how the academicians polish the party leadership, the nation's institutions of higher learning have only managed to produce a batch of “Professor Kangkong”, or low-grade scholars. Talk about shooting itself in the foot!
Now, Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer Prof Muhammad Afifi Abdul Razak has been accused of being one such example of a 'kangkong' professor. Obviously, he is but one in a purportedly growing group Recently, he wrote in Utusan, the UMNO mouth-piece newspaper, that the Arab Spring and Malaysia's own July 9 Bersih rally and Reformasi were masterminded by foreign forces determined to topple certain governments in Asia, even with violence or force.
But if Afifi is an academic worth his salt, he would lay down the first parameter which is that UMNO-BN is itself illegitimate government because it wins every election by cheating. So how can UMNO-BN claim to be a legitimate government and expect to be given the right of way when its leaders should be locked up and put behind bars in the first place for cheating the people?
Closing an eye on all the facts in evidence
As a political scientist, Afifi must know what gerrymandering and money politics mean, especially when it is quite clear that UMNO has been doing all manner of things - above and below belt -  to win at elections. If this is not cheating, perhaps Prof Muhammad Afifi can explain what it is. We all know that the police works for the government and our judiciary has lost its integrity. In such situations, how do the people with so many grievances get their voices heard and their points taken into consideration?
The answer is, they don't! This is one of the key problems of the government-knows-best BN. Frankly, it can't be bothered. It has always banked on its brand name built through the decades and the people's own fear to win year after year. But 2008 was a landmark turning point and the people's support still clearly veering towards the Pakatan Rakyat led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
However, UMNO is still too busy with its own infighting and agenda, while vain Najib engrossed with his image consultants and wife Rosmah Mansor still on a never-ending shop-till-you-drop spree. Yes, the BN 'brand' name has turned sour with a capital S. For example, has not the Lingam tape proven that Malaysian judges can be bought? Even a former Inspector General of Police once acted like a gangster giving Anwar a black eye!
Are these not good enough examples to show that the judiciary has lost its integrity? As a professor, Afifi must be more pertinent in his explanation, and then only can the title “Professor” fit him. If not he is a ‘Professor Kangkong”.
As 'kleptocratic' as Tunisia
The Arab spring started in Tunisia when a young man trying to earn his meal by selling fruits on the road side was harassed by the authorities and was not allowed to sell fruits there. Hey, come on, this guy was not committing any crime; he was just trying to earn a living! So what is wrong with that? Frustrated, he set himself on fire and he died! Prof Afifi, can’t you see the frustration of this poor guy. Here he is trying desperately to eke out two meals a day, while the Tunisian president Ben Ali and his wife lived luxurious and protected lives, despite stealing so much from the Tunisian people, especially the poor?
Have not UMNO-BN been stealing from Malaysia and accused of being a kleptocratic government since 1956? Prof. Afifi must read history, real history and not Hikayat Hang Tuah (Tales of Hang Tuah). Tell us then, are the people wrong or is it UMNO-BN that is wrong? Thanks to New York-based Global Financial Integrity and its report that RM888 billion has been siphoned out as illicit money from the country since 2000, we all know how much has been stolen from our economy. So if Prof Afifi does not know about this, then he is truly a “Prof Kangkong”
Why not double-check with Marina or Auntie Bersih
Now, who instigated the violence in the recent Bersih march? Who shot tear gas canisters into the Tung Shin Hospital? Who carried the weapons? Who had water cannons? None of those involved in the peaceful march carried any weapon at all, except their camera-phone and mineral water bottles! How can the Bersih ralliers march with the purpose of bringing the government down, armed with just water bottles, head-bands and hand-phones?
Furthermore, those who attended the march came on their own free will, paying their own way, be it food, transport or lodging expenses. Marina Mahathir, daughter of former dictator Mahathir Mohamad, also joined the march. Prof Afifi should not be shy. If his 'research' is to be worth any salt, he should ask her who paid for her expenses, and then ask Auntie BERSIH too!
What about Perkasa and Pekida? Are they not being supported by UMNO?
Prof Afifi further said that Malaysia must pay special attention to these 'mysterious' and 'unseen' foreign forces so as to prevent anarchy. The fact is UMNO-BN is the one who is openly creating anarchy in Malaysia. Its corrupt practices and mismanagement of the whole country, in every aspect; economic, social, racial, religious, political, law and order, education, healthcare have landed Malaysia indebted to the tune of RM445 billion to date. This is not only anarchy but treason and disaster. And worse of all, it is making the people mighty unhappy and restless!
Malaysia, and in particular UUM, are so unfortunate to have this kind of “Professor Kangkong”. To most readers, he is simply talking rubbish, although it is not like the filth spewed by Ibrahim Ali.
Malaysians do not deserve to be taught by these kind of so-called academics. But then again, UMNO is being haunted by its past misdeeds and has no choice but to rope in a “Professor Kangkong” or two to defend and remake its wrongdoings.
Malaysia Chronicle

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