
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 2, 2012

Zakat funds abuse vs abuse of NFC funds

by Mat Zain Ibrahim
2 January 2012
For last year, several thousands of “Amils”(tithe collectors)were appointed nationwide. KL about 800 with a collection of RM7.5 mil. Selangor with 2437 amils that collected about RM16 mil.
The action taken against one amil in Kulaijaya for misappropriating RM19,510 should not undermine the integrity of the amils to be appointed for the coming Ramadhan 2012.
The action taken by Johor Police should be lauded and act as a deterrent to future amils.
However we are worried what would happen should many of the amils this year, make use of the tithes collected by themselves for personal matters after seeing what happened in MAIWP as confirmed by the Auditor General?
What would the Government say if many of the amils said they have used their collections first to pay for their medical expenses,or for preparations of their school-going children,or for performing Umrah or to settle several traffic summonses?,and that they would reimburse the money after getting some funds from somewhere?
If the Minister in charge of Islamic affairs can make use of the zakat funds, why can’t the amils? It is not a question of amount misused. The question is whether the zakat funds can be used other than those already stated in the Quran and the laws. Certainly the Zakat funds are not managed like “the Ah Longs” and “chettiars” run their business!
It would not be fair for the PM to maintain his silence on this matter for the sake of shielding Jamil Khir, Che Mat & Shamsuddin. When one amil in Johor has been sent to 4 years and 3 stroke of the rattan for misuse of tithe funds.
It would not be fair also, if the PM only takes action against Jamil, Che Mat, Shamshuddin and the errant amils, if he does not take actions against Sharizat’s family for the NFC fiasco.
Misappropriating Zakat Funds or Public Funds are both criminal offences as stated in the Penal Code.The ingredients required to prove the cases are the same. If misusing the zakat funds temporarily even for a day is an offence, so would it be in the case of misuse of public funds.
If for misusing RM 19.510 of tithe funds, Reduan Mohd.Said got 4 years and 3 strokes of whipping,then Sharizat’s family members should get more, proportionate to the amount they have misused for their own benefits.
Each and everyone of the 28 million people of Malaysia, you and I included not forgetting our children and grandchildren stand to lose RM9/-each of our rights to make up the RM 250 million granted to Sharizat and the children to do whatever!
Even the so called Productivity Incentive Bonuses for 95,945 Felda settlers come to only RM102.58 mil which was about 40% of the amount given just to Sharizat’s family of 5 (equivalent to RM50 mil each).
The much talked about Felda listing through FGV Global the govt say would bring windfall to the 220,000 settlers. How much? I suppose about RM 30,000 each, at the very most….an illogical estimation though since the entire exercise is valued at RM7 Bil.
Anyway the 30k the settlers hope to get in a lifetime, is what each and everyone of Sharizat’s children are getting every month. Compare that to the allowance to the holder of the Nation’s Highest Bravery Awards.! A meager 2k a month.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with the collection of Zakat tithes in modern Malaysian is that they are based purely on present-day man-made interpretations of what is clearly and simply described in the Holy Quran. According to the Quran , each individual is expected to pay an amount equal to 2.5% of NET wealth as a means of gratitude for the goodness bestowed upon them. This should be distributed according to clearly-defined rules, (including to the poor as only one of 8 deserving recipients). However,it has been common practice in Malaysia - enshrined in Tax-legislation by the good Dr. Mahathir - that all Muslims in Malaysia may instead choose to defer their income-tax payments to be paid as Zakat - AND receive a 100% tax-credit for electing to do so. SO, in the mindset of many - mainly wealthy/ middle-class Muslims - they are now 'paying' 15-20% of their GROSS salaries as Zakat on a monthly basis. It is surely hypocritical to think that by simply ceasing or off-setting federal income tax payments and transferring it into the hands of chosen Amils somehow makes these people more pious or worthy since outwardly they are 'contributing' more instead of 'only' the required 2.5% of NET wealth as Zakat. It is a man-made construction which is completely against the teachings and intentions of the Holy Quran. It is also deeply insulting to non-Muslims to know that substantial tax-revenues (RM1Billion+annually) are being redirected away from federal use into the un-audited coffers of local mosques or for the whims and personal 'Islamic interpretations' of no doubt pious local politicians and business people. I do not recall seeing any part of the Holy Quran which states .." Section 1. Tax-Avoidance / Tax-Deductible Tithes - See appendix A"..... or similar.
    There is another feature of this purely Malaysian structure of Zakat collection which is highly questionable - namely the practice of Amils who also occupy senior positions within large Malaysian businesses. These gentlemen are in the position of collecting large contributions from contractor company staff as legitimate monthly Zakat. Surely, there is a conflict of interest - if only on a business level - with senior managers of a large national company to be seen making substantial 'commissions' from chosen contractor companies who wish to get business from these people. But, as Haji's, Dato's, Datuk's etc etc all of these Appointed Amils are above reproach in their ethics (surely?) - but I guess that is another story.....


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