
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 13, 2012

A plea to KFC, nip it in the bud

YOURSAY 'Too little, too late. This action of one of your employees has left a bad taste among most right-thinking citizens.'

MP to broker peace deal over KFC dispute

your sayDisbeliever: Even if the KFC staff had been provoked, as trained counter-service personnel, they should be able to handle the situation by keeping their cool.

A smile and a sincere apology would have avoided such an incident instead of being blown out of proportion and turned into a racial issue.

Putting aside colour and creed, Danny Ng should initiate a civil suit against KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and the police should also charge those responsible for criminal assault.

A strong message should be sent to one and sundry that such behaviour will not be accepted in a civil society and action will be taken against those responsible.

Holden: I am confused. Isn't assault a criminal offence? Is the company going to retain the services of an obviously disturbed and violent young man and endanger the safety of the public?

Should the public continue to patronise an outlet that has little care for public safety? Besides the fact that the service is rude and slow, the company's hiring policy needs to be questioned.

Sabahan: An apology is certainly not enough. An assault was made and the perpetrator must be punished.

Otherwise, there will be no end to this. Even insulting someone by calling him names can result in the person being charged in court.

Persons who cannot control themselves and had to resort to violence must be taught a lesson. If not, he will think that anytime he assaults someone, an apology will suffice.

Fair Play: Too little too late, KFC management. KFC Malaysia deputy president Alan Au, you should have nipped it in the bud at the very beginning.

This action of one of your employees has left a bad taste among most right-thinking citizens.

Sincere Citizen: Putting race aside, even if the KFC staff was my son, I won't mind if the police or the KFC management take action against him.

If found guilty, the KFC staff should also apologise in public to regain the trust of KFC customers and for the restaurant to maintain its good reputation in the fast-food industry.

Proarte: The KFC staff member had clearly engaged in criminal assault. What peace deal are we talking about? Let the law take its course.
At the very least, the staff members involved in intimidating and abusing Danny Ng should be sacked. A clear message has to be sent out - that violence towards anybody will not be tolerated.

The kitchen staff member who ran forward to attack Danny should be charged for assault and possibly face a jail sentence. 'Samseng' behaviour cannot be glossed over by a simple apology and handshake.

Let us be honest, if the victim was a Malay called Ahmad and the gangster a chef called Ah Kau, would DAP MP Lim Lip Eng dare suggest that Ahmad should accept an apology and shake hands?

Playing 'peacemaker' in this respect is nothing short of cowardice. If this is truly not a racial issue as the MPs claim, then due process should ensue.

Otherwise, the wicked notion of 'Ketuanan Melayu' and second-class citizenship will prevail. DAP should not be complicit in this.

Satu Malaysian: Whether we admit it or not, I think this is a racial matter and the race of the customer had plenty to do with it.

I say this because I am wondering had the victimised customer been a Malay who lost his cool, would the KFC staff concerned reacted in the same thuggish manner and would they have resorted to assault him.

Anonymous: I am totally disappointed with those who try to make this a racial case. Although I'm no fan of YB Lim, I do commend his actions to try to diffuse this case.

As the Chinese saying goes (Tai si fa siu, siu si fa mou) - big problem diffuse to small, small problem diffuse to none.

I say KFC should try to settle this out of court with a acceptable compensation to Ng and let bygones be bygones.

Versey: In this instance, it is clear that not only the KFC's kitchen staff were wrong, the outlet manager was also not doing his/her duty in a professional manner.

How could he/she allowed the customers to queue up for so long and then be told that the chickens were sold out?

If he/she could not get more supplies of chicken from another outlet, at least he/she could do was to inform the patrons earlier.

This is ridiculous and obviously he/she is not qualified to take up that post. Those kitchen staff who tried to stop the fight should be trained to take over the manager's post.

Disgusted: I hope more people who were there will come forward and tell what they saw and heard to verify who is guilty of ranting racist remarks and violence.

KFC has to bear responsibility for its staff's action. They can't just say they have suspended the staff and forget it. Danny should take legal action against KFC.

All other customers who did not get their chicken which they paid for after waiting patiently for a long time should also sue KFC for breach of contract, where an offer was made and not delivered after acceptance under the law of contracts. - Malaysiakini

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