
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 13, 2012

Police impotent in face of ugly mob

YOURSAY ''There was nothing the police could do' sounds more like there was nothing the police wanted to do - except offer a protective service to these thugs.'

Another ceramah aborted after 'gangsters' strike

your sayCala: A public meeting was scheduled to be held by Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (MSM) on the evening of Feb 11 in Kampung Idaman, Klang, and so it was deemed a lawful assembly according to the law.

If such an assembly was not made possible due to hooliganism, the police must be held accountable because they have failed their duty as a law enforcement agency to bring the hooligans to book.

But my view of the matter is far more serious. I see unequal protection of law to members of the society, and the police was giving preferential treatment to certain groups beholden to the powers-that-be.

Ferdtan: Where is our deputy IGP (inspector-general of police)? He was not around to protect Malaysians - our students; but he reportedly has time to escort the Saudi deportee back to his country to face a certain death sentence. Where is the priority of the police?

It seems that protecting Malaysians from gangsters is less important than to 'suck up' to the rich Saudi government?

What is happening? The police are scared of gangsters? This may result the beginning of anarchy if the police are not resolute in taking action against these politically organised troublemakers.

They just can't close their eyes against such open gangsterism. When the BN government is toppled, we must make sure that these top police officers held accountable for any dereliction of duties.

Fairnessforall: Shame on this gangsters, do they think that by disrupting the student ceramah they can force people to agree with their stupidity?

This is the result of taking such low-quality idiots and giving them places in universities - they go in as gangsters and come out as bigger gangsters.

The organisers should have taken photos of these cowards and posted them on the Internet so that everyone can see what cowards they are.

Armageddon: This is perhaps the work of another branch of Umno. With Perkasa going around offending non-Malays, this third group hit out at Malay youngsters.

And Umno leaders are going around doing their business as if they are not party to it at all. If they are genuine gangsters, why aren't the police cars being attacked?

There goes our freedom to assembly and freedom of speech.

Whatsup: I smell a rat. It looks like there is another 'special force' which can act with impunity.

Geronimo: The ‘gangsters' followed the students to the police station, and if that was not brazen enough, they waited outside the police station while the students were making their report.

Are you telling me the police could not get a few of their men to quickly round up the troublemakers. Typical 'gaji buta' mentality.

I just don't feel like paying my tax this year just to feed these good-for-nothing men in uniform.

Bert: "Even at 4am, the gangsters were still outside, we had to escape through another door with the help of local residents," said Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia president Ahmad Syukri Ab Razab.

What has the police got to say? Are they, at the orders of their masters, not arrest the gangsters? Is this country ruled by gangsters? What are the police for?

Yoong John Yen: There is nothing the police can do? What about arresting the whole lot of them for assault and attempted to cause harm because throwing sticks and stones can hurt and possibly kill a person.

Isn't hounding them until 4am tantamount to criminal intimidation? There's a lot that the police can do if they just have the willpower to do so.

TakeMiddlepath: What is going on when the police can't do anything to stop those rowdy mob? And they have the cheek to disperse those who sit peacefully with candles.

JBGUY: The PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) has lost its credibility. The home minister and IGP (inspector-general of police) should resign for dereliction of their duty.

The police appeared to be intimidated by gangsters, perhaps it's time our much vaunted Rela (People's Volunteer Corps) members be asked to enforce the law.

Manjit Bhatia: Umno's Rela force must have been on weekend furlough so Umno called up its reserve thugs, the Umno Melayu Mafia - wholly unemployable, wholly uneducated, wholly unprincipled, wholly brainless.

"There was nothing the police could do" sounds more like there was nothing the police wanted to do - except offer a protective service to these thugs and not to the students who were under threat.

Does Malaysia have any laws worth their salt anymore? Perhaps the law of the jungle is better suit Malaysia in the 21st century as part of its transformation programme.

Malaysia ABU: A violence mob of about 70, and the police can do nothing. But a peaceful assembly of 20,000, police can do everything to stop it.

Our police force can do something against those who are peaceful, but can do nothing against those that are violent? Bravo, PDRM.

Lim Chong Leong: Libya, Egypt, Syria and Malaysia can all be mentioned in the same breath. PM Najib Razak is testing our patience.

Anonymous_3e21: Desperate people do desperate things. Look on the bright side, I think this is the clearest signal of the impending demise of the authoritarian regime Malaysians can live without.

Do not fear them, just remain united in our fight against them for our children's sake.

Versey: Author Issac Asimov (1920-1992): 'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetence.' - Malaysiakini

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