
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daim's crystal ball fails to see massive poll fraud

YOURSAY 'The perception of Najib as a ‘general without soldiers' is apt. Just like rats on a sinking ship, his cronies only political salvation is to jump ship...'.

Daim: BN only safe in three states in GE13

your sayRubystar_4037: Thank you, former finance minister Daim Zainuddin. I fervently hope that your prophecy is self-fulfilling.

Now the BN powers-that-be are trembling as most of the generals are not in touch with people on the ground and the soldiers are seeing the plundering and raping of the national coffers, leaving nothing left for them.

The RM500 handout is chicken feed and most of the rakyat will take the money and still not feeling much gratitude to PM Najib Razak.

Gerakan will be totally wiped out. MCA may retain a few seats, but given the scenario, Umno will no longer entertain the idea of giving MCA safe seats as there are not enough to go around.

Nevertheless, BN will still be the ruling coalition because of massive electoral fraud.

Trueglitter: Prior to the prediction by Daim, it has been widely acknowledged and expected that the ruling coalition will be soundly thrashed by Pakatan Rakyat in the next polls and hopefully precipitate a change in government.

The perception of Najib as a "general without soldiers" by Daim is apt and proper. Just like rats on a sinking ship, his cronies only political salvation is to jump ship or desperately cling on in hope that their efforts will be rewarded.

However, the rakyat must be made aware that Daim, like a cunning and obnoxious tactician and strategist, could be making his predictions as a deliberate ploy to lull the opposition into complacency.

Regrettably, Daim fails to acknowledge the fact that the conventional practice by BN in having the PM hold the portfolio of finance minister's post, is to endow him with power to access taxpayers' funds for his own ends.

Lim Chong Leong: Daim described Najib and his team as "generals without soldiers". To me, they are a pack of heartless hyenas in a feeding frenzy over the dying corpse of 1Malaysia.

IamMsian: Daim, you and Dr Mahathir Mohamad created this country's problems. All the BN corrupt practices started during your and Mahathir's era.

You artificially created Malay billionaires like Tajuddin Ramli, Halim Saad, Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah, Amin Shah Omar, and hundreds of millionaires through special projects and contracts.

There is no cure for BN. The only solution is a change of government.

Sadirah: In the days of Mahathir, every statement of his would be echoed by several party leaders. This began to ease with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and with Najib it has become a lone voice and even if his deputy speaks, it's at a tangent.

So where are all the great supporters of Najib. Apart from ministers Ahmad Maslan and Nazri Abdul Aziz on some occasions, where are all the Umno and BN echoes?

Najib cuts a lone figure and the prognosis does not look good if BN is only strong in three states.

Well, I wish they lose heavily so that they learn afresh what it is to lead a multi-ethnic nation.

Bobby Cheng: Pakatan, don't be over-ambitious. If you can again retain Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah and Kelantan, that's already a good achievement.

The rest of the other states are bonuses. The rakyat is looking for leaders who are of calibre, and most importantly, leaders who are ethical and with the highest integrity.

Please no more ‘kataks' (frogs), especially from PKR. There is no need to rush, it's better that BN suffers a natural death. It will be more permanent that way.

Lover Boy: Daim, I am not sure your prediction is right. Johor, Pahang and Malacca are easy wins?

First and foremost, while Umno has been sleeping, PAS has made great inroads in the Pahang and Johor Felda schemes.

The issues are now made clear to them and they are warming up to PAS. I would consider the only safe state for Umno-BN is Malacca.

The Malacca people are busy making money from the tourism trade. But we agree that this GE will sound the death knell for Umno and BN.

Quigonbond: Even with only Pahang, Johor and Malacca, BN will be able to retain the federal government if they win Sarawak and Sabah.

I wonder what Malaysians in the rural area are thinking. Post-election, if BN wins, we're going to get severe inflation from GST (Goods and Services Tax), 1Care, removal of subsidies, a bloodthirsty IRB (Inland Revenue Board) and not to mention electricity, petrol, gas and household items and food - because they simply can't afford it anymore.

Even paying RM500 is a strain, and the government is borrowing through issuance of Sukuk, etc. The only way to fix this sorry state of near national bankruptcy is fiscal responsibility and cutting down on endemic corruption, and only Pakatan can do so.

With BN, there is no interest, no incentive, and no will power.

Ntazetta: There should be four sure-win BN states, not three. People always forget about Perlis.

Bender: Daim's crystal ball failed to see those busloads of overnight citizens that BN has been planting all over the country, particularly in Selangor.

The sudden surge in the number of new voters is very hard to ignore from the rakyat's perspective.

This alone definitely has some bearing on what will happen on election day. But Daim seems oblivious of this fact. Or perhaps he's playing it dumb in order to fool us all?

Remember, Daim is a true blue blood, and by that I don't mean he's an aristocrat, it's just that his blood is blue, ‘dulu kini dan selamanya', get it?

Better watch out for this fake Nostradamus.  - Malaysiakini

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