
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Emotional BN leaders' sudden dislike for emotions is puzzling

Emotional BN leaders' sudden dislike for emotions is puzzling
It appears,lately that captains within the BN fortress are anxiously telling the people not to be emotional in their decision making especially when it comes to party politics and party loyalty.
One tells us not to be emotional and to vote wisely. Another tells us to put aside emotions and vote them or their party; and another pleads that we should discard all emotions and not be swayed by the 'lies' of the opposition.
Since when did "emotions" become foolish and only reason remained "wise"? How do we "put aside" emotions when human experience is a web of reason interwined with emotions? Why demean and belittle "emotions" like as if it is a leper? Then how comne we have equal priority placed for EQ as much as we swear on IQ?
Very puzzling lah.
Outdated knowledge banks
Now one wonders which school did these politicians go to. Or have they ever been updating their knowledge banks at all, all these years.
Perhaps these few lines here can help our politicians to be better informed and not continue to get brick bats from the learning rakyat.
Firstly, they better come to their senses that we are operating in an environment that is imbued in emotional decision making. Take a look at marketing and advertising. Or even take a review of all the APCO-inspired advices given to the leaders here.
Second, our politicians should know that all of technology is, although anchored in the logical sciences, technology is driven to choice-making through the employ of emotions. We are living and operating in what is described widely as an "inside-out" dimension.
Thirdly, today we are all desiring to see the "inside'"on the "outside". From dressing to fragrances, from food consumption to driving a car, from buying a house to maintaining our dwellings, we are swamped by the patos of "inside-out".
Mind you, even in the realm of politics and governance it is now "inside-out". The population want and demand to know what is inside your heart. They want to know your intentions before thinking about your actions.
The only exception being the tragic decison by a court of law that "motive" is not relevant in determining the cause of a murder.
So what crap are our leaders talking about "drop all emotions"?
Najib too tried to use emotion
Take a look at your own yards. Did you not scream with drawn kris rilling your audience to go after race blood in defence of your party? Or have you conveniently forgotten about that?
Take a look at your collaborating party leaders. Did not one of them get involved with another china-doll and yet continue to remain at the pedestal?
The jewel in the crown of course would be the PM's own cry of being sorry for the mistakes to the rakyat. Is that not emotions or using emotional appeal to sway opinions?
So, can anyone please help shed some light on all these sudden pleas, admonishments and buried threats that leaders from the ruling parties keep harping to the rakyat telling us not to be emotional?
Malaysia Chronicle

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