
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 17, 2012

If EC can do it to an MB, they can do it to anyone

YOURSAY 'There is no doubt that EC has broken the law. They treat the constitution like a piece of toilet paper.'

'EC has broken law by shifting Khalid's voting zone'

your sayFerdtan: If it can happened to a top leader, a menteri besar, it can happened to anyone. If the Election Commission has broken the law, then the top officers (EC chief, deputy chief and the five commissioners) who were appointed by the Agong should be charged and put in jail.

The persons most responsible for such irresponsible 'mistakes', deliberate or not, are EC chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusuf and deputy chief Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.

Let this be a warning to them - they can't run away from the law; and ultimately justice would catch up with them. The rakyat would ensure that.

Moontime: This is proof that BN is desperate to recapture Selangor at all costs. To them, losing Selangor is akin to a humiliating political slap in the face.

In order to save face, they will resort to various tactics - almost all of them dirty - to achieve the objective of ruling Selangor again.

Take this as a wake-up call for Pakatan Rakyat. Be even more vigilant and careful not to let your enemy take back this state.

The consequences will be devastating as history shows that BN is very vengeful and will have no qualms to destroy whatever Pakatan has built over the last four years.

Don't believe me? Look at Perak.

Kgen: There is no doubt that EC has broken the law. They treat the constitution like a piece of toilet paper. All this shuffling of voters disguised as "border correction" are illegal without parliamentary approval.

This shuffling from one constituency to another always seem to happen just before a by-election and involve transferring opposition supporters out.

Lim Chong Leong: This is not the first time the EC has broken the law. They broke the law when they chose to declare seats vacant or not whenever it suits Umno. They broke the law when they redraw constituency lines.

They also registered many phantom voters, failed to deregister dead voters, registered foreign instant bumiputera voters, denying foreign-based citizens of their vote, and countless more.

Onyourtoes: The EC, although envisaged by the founding fathers and set up under the federal constitution, has now degenerated into one nincompoop commission whose covert operation is akin to a depraved thief.
I have never felt more disappointed than before. It is time the chairperson, the deputy and all the commissioners resign en bloc for you can no longer be relied on to do the right thing as mandated by the constitution.

You are nothing but the stooges of the federal government. When the time is right, I pray that all of you will be charged for criminal acts and irresponsibility. When push comes to shove, you will be on your own.

Malaysia ABU: No clean election, no tax.

EC: MB's voting zone not shifted, boundary revised

Anonymous_3e86: This maneuvering by EC is just gerrymandering. All that explanation is just plain bullshit.

To "re-draw" the borders, the residents must be officially informed of the exercise. The EC just can't quietly change the borders at their whims and fancies. This is obviously BN's ploy to regain Selangor "at all cost". How despicable.

Wira: EC, how can you say Khalid and others had been voting in the wrong constituency? There is no such thing as voting in a wrong constituency. It is only wrong when you use the Act to favour one party or another.

Another point, is "Jalan 16/2 in Section 16, Petaling Jaya" in Selangor or the Federal Territory? To which authority the residents there are paying their assessment and quit rent?

All of us treat all PJ as part of Selangor. Perhaps you should get consent of His Royal Highness if you want to 'rob' land from Selangor.

Bender: Every now and then we hear about EC doing its bidding in favour of the ruling government. And we know quite well that they do this against the established principles of fairness - undemocratic and sometimes downright illegal.

Can anyone do anything to put a stop to this madness? And please don't say, we'll wait until Pakatan Rakyat take over Putrajaya, because with all these going on, there's no chance that Pakatan will ever take over.

Should I put Bersih 3.0 in my calendar anytime soon?

Joker: Does it make sense to say that even though your address says you are in Petaling Jaya, according to EC's map, which is synchronised with the country's official map, you are considered a voter in Kuala Lumpur.

Doesn't 'to synchronise' means to be made the same? In Khalid's case, he is registered in Petaling Jaya, his postal address is considered within Selangor but somehow is now a voter in KL.

It seems like this border revision exercise is only held in Pakatan-controlled states. Why didn't EC notify those whose zone has been changed? This is another insincere and nonsensical explanations from the EC.

Ruben: I cannot understand the EC just changing boundaries like that which not only impacts the electoral votes in constituencies, but will on election day create chaos as people who used to go to their normal polling centres will be turned away and not allowed to exercise their right to vote as the EC would not have informed them of the changes.

The EC has been known to be far from independent and serving its Umno-BN masters but it is really getting worse every time. First, a sudden surge of voters in certain areas, and now this.

2cts Worth: Wan Ahmad, why were the borders revised? Do you expect the rakyat to chase after EC every now and then to discover where they are by your gerrymandering whims and fancies?

Your sneaky ways suggests they are acts of a political sabotage. This is high treason. - Malaysiakini

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