
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 17, 2012

Minister's 'resignation' mother of all sandiwara

YOURSAY 'Why only explain to the Umno cronies? We expect her to explain to the public as to how her family ended up with the RM250 million loan.'

PM, Shahrizat to explain resignation next week

your sayAnonymous_40f4: Prime Minister Najib Razak and his minister, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, can explain to Umno members, and yet they refused to discuss the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal in Parliament.

One day before the parliamentary session resumed, the government charged Shahrizat's husband in court so that the House speaker could declare Parliament cannot discuss the issue because it would be subjudice. This is a government ruled by deceit and cheating.

Cloudnine: Shahrizat Abdul Jalil has not resigned. Her senatorship runs out on April 8. Shahrizat is making a shameless claim. It shows she is power-hungry, unwilling to let go even when it hurts Umno.

Fair Play: As the rakyat already know, this is the mother of all sandiwara. By 'resigning' as a minister when her term is up as a senator is last-ditch effort at damage control as there is a zero chance that the PM would take the risk of reappointing her for another term.

Armageddon: Why only explain to the Umno cronies? We expect her to explain to the public as to how her family ended up with the RM250 million loan.

We don't care if she is still a minister or Wanita chief. We only care about our money, which has been abused by politicians.

Tailek: It's very simple. Najib and Umno are calling it a resignation so that the PM will not be left with the decision of whether to renew her senatorship for another term.

Najib doesn't want to have to make that decision because if he renews it, then he will be unpopular with the vast majority of the rakyat. And if he doesn't renew it, he will be unpopular with many Wanita Umno members.

The PM is not decisive as usual. He should have removed her months ago when the NFC scandal broke because it is indefensible.

Cala: Is Umno Wanita wing's assistant secretary Rosni Sohar defending the impossible? Of course, she is.

When the whole nation is taking Shahrizat to task over the NFC fiasco on suspected corruption, Rosni is behaving as if everything is under control, and that the predicament has nothing to do with her chief.

As we know it, the concept of ‘bounded rationality and individual opportunism' explains fully Shahrizat's conduct over the NFC affair. For Rosni to defend Shahrizat in whatever way, it will not distance the latter from the criminal act.

Ksn: Is there something further to explain in Shahrizat's departure from her ministerial position on the expiry of her term as senator?

Did somebody ask for an explanation from her or the PM about it? I hope the explanation is not as bizarre as her departure being called a resignation.

What the country is waiting for eagerly and impatiently are explanations on the steps being taken by the government to recover the RM250 million loan to NFC, freezing the properties bought using the loan, and the slow pace of arrest and prosecution of those who had abused the loan and their so-called positions as directors of the company.

Can Najib provide these explanations, please?

Joker: Perhaps the explanations will go something like this:

Shahrizat: Dear Wanita Umno members, have no fear, I did not really resign. My contract as backdoor minister has expired and since the election is coming, I plan to contest and win a seat of my own. I am, after all, still Wanita leader.

PM: Yes, we need Shahrizat. Actually, I need her because pretty much everyone else is after my position and won't stop at anything to sabotage me. I am here to assure you that I did not force Shahrizat to resign.

I will not fire anyone just because she helped herself to the kitty although I encourage everyone to be careful so as not to be caught red-handed. But even if so, be assured that no punishment is forthcoming and you can even keep what you have taken.

Goliath: Dear PM, don't waste your time trying to explain about the resignation. As a PM, you should give an immediate direction to the relevant authorities to investigate NFC, ensure that all money is returned to the people (government) and that the family members of Shahrizat (not just the husband) are charged for the wrongs they have committed.

The people are not interested about why she resigned but how the government is to get back the money.

Dear PM, if you are serious about eliminating corruption, this is a good time to prove to the people you mean business.

Toffeesturn: Damage control, that is what this is called. Najib will say her decision was her own, so that investigations can go on without any ministerial involvement. This is all sandiwara. Many in Wanita are disillusioned with her and want her out. If not handled properly, this could spell more trouble.

Anonymous_3f1f: As former minister Rafidah Aziz had said correctly, "what sacrifice?". If such a shameful thing happens in other countries, such as in Japan, not only would the minister resign immediately, but probably he or she would have also committed harakiri.

Tenth Mother: Shahrizat can explain until the cows come home, for all we care.

Kairos: The more these goons flock around her, the worse it will be for the credibility of Umno.

I really don't know what it is about Shahrizat that blinds the eyes of the Umno leadership and blurs their political judgement. The truth of the matter is that she is corrupted and has exploited her position to gain massive financial profit for her family.

In any civilised country, she would have been prosecuted a long time ago. Only in Malaysia, under the leadership of Umno, can she be allowed to go scot free and even worse, lauded and praised as if she has done such a fantastic service to the country.

To add insult to injury, the PM and DPM personally vouch for her integrity and throws their support around her as if she is irreplaceable. This is absolutely absurd.

Anonymous: Another gathering cum holiday with food and accommodation for 7,000 people from all over the country. Please, where does the money come from?  - Malaysiakini

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