
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 23, 2012

Kamilia chastised for asking Shahrizat to quit

Brickbats were thrown at Wanita Umno deputy chief Kamilia Ibrahim today for urging the movement’s head Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to quit, in the face of her family’s involvement in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal.

umno 2007 wanita 071107 kamilia ibrahimThe Wanita chiefs of five states, who sit in the wing’s central leadership panel, toldMalaysiakini of their “incredulity and puzzlement” over Kamilia’s (left) statement.
Contrarily, they expressed their absolute support for Shahrizat and that of their respective state members and polls machinery.

“Who is she to ask Shahrizat to withdraw, she (Shahrizat) was elected (by the members). If she (Kamilia) cannot wait, she can contest (when the time comes),” said Pahang Wanita head Rosni Zahari.

Malacca chief Rubiyah Ali advised Kamilia “not to create trouble”, especially when Wanita needs to close ranks in the run-up to the upcoming general election.

Kedah Wanita chief Maznah Abdul Hamid, meanwhile, hit out at Kamilia for jumping the gun on the matter, labelling the statement as the deputy chief’s personal opinion as the issue was never discussed at the state and central levels.

“At times like this we should stand united, not stab each other in the back... Shahrizat never badmouthed her (Kamilia),” she sniped.

Meanwhile, Johor Wanita chief Sharifah Azizah Syed Zaim called Kamilia’s statement a “discordant voice” which is not representative of the movement as a whole.

Yesterday English language daily The Star reported Kamilia as urging Shahrizat to let go of her party post to protect the credibility of the wing, Umno, BN and the government as a whole.

The Wanita deputy chief was quoted as saying that the grassroots find it “hard to work with Shahrizat” who is hounded by the specter of the NFC scandal.

'Kamilia voicing grassroots concerns'

Kamilia’s statement was, however, defended by Cheras Umno leader Syed Ali Alhabshee in a blog posting, saying that the deputy chief was only channeling the worries of the grassroots of the women’s wing.

“I don’t think Kamilia has any agenda... I believe she is sincere and her statement was made for the good of the party,” the blog reads.

NONEKamilia’s concerns, Syed Ali (right) said, was valid as it involved the credibility of Shahrizat whose husband has been indicted for criminal breach of trust.

He argued that it was not reasonable for certain quarters to attack Kamilia.
“We must accept it with an open heart. Her views does have their positive points.”

More so, he reasoned, as Umno is a democratic party it should allow and listen to all points of views.
Kamilia is not the first to voice out that Shahrizat should let go of her post as Wanita chief following her family’s involvement in the NFC scandal.

Wanita central committee member and Kelana Jaya chief Seripah Noli Syed Hussin said the same to Malaysiakini last week.

“What is proper when this happens is for the person to relinquish both posts - in the cabinet and the party as well.

“We, Wanita Umno, are orang Umno (party faithful) not merely members. As orang Umno we put the party first, not personal interest,” she said.

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