
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Tun nabbed, three more to go

YOURSAY 'Remember the Tun who said if you want to get me, you should investigate all the other Tuns and their children too?'

Former MCA boss ordered to enter defence

your sayAnonymous: This is one of the Tuns. Mark my word, the trial can begin now, but the judgment will only take place after the elections, or it will go to appeal and after the elections it will all be alright for this Tun.

The other Tun will make sure this Tun is safe or else all Tuns may have to face the music.

Remember the other Tun saying if you want to get me, you should investigate all the other Tuns and their children too, and this certainly was one of the Tuns he was talking about, there is another couple of Tuns he was talking about too - one former senior minister and the other more senior than just a senior minister.

Make Sense: One Tun down, three more to go.

Dont Just Talk: Was this the MCA president who proudly proclaimed that the fish rots from the head.

MCA is a party that leads by example with the past president now asked to enter his defence while the former deputy president is waiting for his days in court on similar charges.

Any dumb fool can smell the few smelly fish heads behind the RM12 billion PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) scandal and the best part is that the present president, who was caught with his pants down can still lead MCA.

That is real leadership by example.

Cala: Is MCA worthy of our support? Why is the accused, Ling Liong Sik, seen smiling despite having to account for his role in PKFZ scandal?

Of course, he can because in his vocabulary there is no such term as "shame". He can because collectively as a party MCA cares little about righteousness, morality, and care for ordinary people.

What are the lessons learned from Ling in PKFZ scandal? To say that only Ling alone is responsible for the lost of billions of ringgit from the government coffers is to simplify a complex issue involving the looting of national resources into an ordinary issue of stealing. Why?

Three issues require further scrutiny. First, ask who Ling is. He is no ordinary fool. By his presence in the cabinet, he lends credence to an otherwise controversial government of poor governance through such arrangement called consociational politics where minority interests are protected albeit on paper since May 13, 1969.

Second, see how reluctance the regime is in charging Ling. Third, Ling's act must have been endorsed as part of a wider culture of the party he belongs, otherwise, he would have been subjected to party disciplinary action (for example, membership suspension) the moment he is dragged to court.

Thus, Ling is not the only person involved in PKFZ scandal. Look beyond him for clues.

Clever Voter: This is one country where we frequently see crooked politicians being handcuffed smiling in the courtrooms only for them to subsequently walk free.

The scripts are all the same because the writer is the same, each plot and outcome are the same. How long can we tolerate such nonsense? It's time we vote for real change.

Kgen: These are weak and frivolous charges which Ling should be able to wriggle out of. It is difficult for prosecution to prove he had intentionally deceived the government.

It is also speculation that the cabinet would not approve the land deal if they had known about the 7.5% interest.

A far more serious matter is that Ling exceeded his authority by signing a letter of guarantee for the main contractor on his last day in office. Why wasn't he charged on that instead of this sandiwara(shadow play)?

Senior Citizen: Finally, it is open and clear that most, if not all, the former and perhaps the present BN gangsters have had a free reign cheating the country lock, stock and barrel.

Money was splashed around like rain water and they thought no one was aware of their looting. Well, we all knew but we could only wait and see. All these chaps walking around with titles are potential culprits.

I can only feel sorry to see the pathetic faces of these culprits. Look at Ling's face. Today he is no better than a snatch thief caught by a policeman on the beat. Remember this - God is watching.

There are many more around. My advice to all is this: If you have illicit money or stolen money, then just go and apologise to God and repay all the monies back to whomsoever you stole from.

Mahindar Singh: It is really a shame that people whom we trust has done all of this to enrich themselves with no regard to the people.

The people have to struggle sitting in overcrowded trains to work, earn less than RM1,000 a month, struggle to put food on the table, and here we have people robbing the country blind.

Mr PM, how do you expect us to trust you?

Swkdayaks: If I were these two, Ling and former MCA deputy chief Chan Kong Choy, I would now start to reveal all that I know about the Umno fellows as well.

Surely, they also know something about the Umno fellows. They humiliate you, you humiliate them. Why allow yourselves to be bullied by them? - Malaysiakini

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