
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 31, 2012

Focus on electoral reforms not cartoons or caricatures, Zunar tells EC

Focus on electoral reforms not cartoons or caricatures, Zunar tells EC
Cartoons are one of the mediums used by political parties to convey messages in the elections. It is a legally-practiced medium in Malaysia and therefore EC does not have the right to forbid its use. To ban the use of cartoons during the election campaigns is not only lawfully wrong, but also comical and ludicrous.
What should be more important for EC to address is not the medium, but the contents or messages that are used by the political parties and their supporters. Irresponsible messages especially those in the form of personal attacks in whatever medium there is should be acted upon.
Focus on reforms
EC should use the energy and effort to meet the eight demands of Bersih instead, rather than talking about cartoons and caricatures.
I hereby would like to announce that I will be leading a group of cartoonists, the Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) and will be actively involved before and during the next election campaign.
We will be opening our own Cartoonist Operations Room and will be moving as a group in a van while campaigning for the coming election.
Our focus is to expose fraud and corruption by the current government - such as Scorpene Scandal, NFC, the domeneering of the PM's wife, etc. The message-laden cartoons will be distributed in various forms: brochures, posters, banners, videos, to name a few.
Malaysia Chronicle

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