
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 10, 2012

BN the Bully commits blunder in PTPTN row

YOURSAY 'Pawning students and their future for political gains is not acceptable, no matter what the circumstances are.'

Loan fiasco a clash between progressives and old guards

your sayMulti Racial: I would not categorise the so-called second echelon of politicians in BN as smart, it is just the old guards who freeze the loan are stupid and having the couldn't-care-less attitude.

The fact remains that the money is taxpayers' money and BN politicians cannot do as they wish. Secondly, BN was appointed the federal government to serve all Malaysians and not only the states that voted them into power.

Thirdly, political differences between government and opposition parties are normal and there is no reason for the incumbent to act like a bully.

However, this time, due credit should be given to the second echelon of BN leaders for having the courage to speak out. This should be the way for politicians - to do what is right for the country and not blindly support their leaders even though they are wrong.

BN has made a wrong move this time and there is a price to pay. The good thing is they stop it earlier before the anger of the students turned into the anger of the nation. By then it will be too late, and may lead to a massive demonstration equivalent to Arab Spring.

Leaders should be more responsible and should not allow their emotion to dictate their judgement.

It is pure stupidity for Higher Education Minister Khaled Nordin to punish the innocent students by freezing the student loan to Unisel (Universiti Selangor) and then Kuis (Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor) just because they are not happy with PKR's stand on free education.

Naturally Muhyiddin Yassin, being the deputy prime minister, must have a role in this given that he promptly supported the loan freeze. Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Noh Omar also did the same stupid thing like Muhyiddin for supporting it.

The episode made BN looks very bad and made a hero out of Pakatan Rakyat, especially Khalid Ibrahim, for acting swiftly to help the students.

ABBN: I look at it that the outcome of the issue is one of the many benefits and advantages of a two-party system which the people are yearning and fighting for.
Had it not that we now have strong opposition to counter check the corrupt and abusive BN government, I think the people would definitely be bullied and at their mercy.

Don't we think that this gives us a truly justified and valid reason to ensure that Pakatan marches into Putrajaya in coming GE13?

Swipenter: Pakatan did the right thing in not backing down and sticking to its proposal of free higher education should they capture Putrajaya in GE13.

The Umno leaders are looking so darn stupid and PM Najib Razak as usual have no guts to put his foot down either way. This is a sign of a weak and indecisive leader.

Gone are the days when politicians ride roughshod over a meek and compliant rakyat. If Pakatan should capture Putrajaya, they too will be in for a rough time with the rakyat.

We are not going to replace an idiot with another idiot sitting in Putrajaya making stupid decisions and ignoring the wishes of the raykat for a accountable, clean, transparent and corrupt-free government.

Amen: Well done BN, you showed the liars that Pakatan is. They can talk, but cannot walk the talk.

Instead we saw them on their knees practically condemning the BN over the freeze, when in actual fact they had the chance to say, "Fine, we will provide free education."

Bender: Whichever way we look at it, the loan freeze was a major blunder on the part of BN.

Pawning students and their future for political gains is not acceptable, no matter what the circumstances are.

Education is one of the core duties of the ruling government. Once you start to mess around with that, then you have forfeited your right to rule.

The public should now be aware of the extent to which these people will do to cling to power. Najib's silence over this issue shows the kind of leader he truly is.

WhatsayyouMalaysians: Whether the PM has any hand in reversing the freeze, it's still not good for him.

If he did not have a hand, it shows he does not care. If he did, it validates his flip-flop image.

Leaders need to provide direction, and have the ability to bring all parties together to achieve key goals, based on clear principles that are morally sound.

We need stronger leadership in this country, but we are not seeing it among the old guards in BN.

Kingfisher: While it would seem reasonable to commend the PM for putting an end to this ridiculous episode, it is all the same very disturbing that the public at large have been forced to witness the irresponsible actions and utterances of three of his senior ministers - Muhyiddin, Khaled and Noh - who seem to be totally oblivious of their fundamental constitutional obligations of their office.

Where else does the PM want them to fail the general public?

Jesse: We will remember your malicious action and stupidity in the next election. It proves how incompetent you are at governing.

One idiot does something stupid and the rest of the sycophants charge forward in a mindless mob. Where is the leadership and common sense? - Malaysiakini

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