
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's not about unity, but Malay-Muslim integrity

YOURSAY 'The nation's future rests not on Malay-Muslim unity. The nation's future rests on Malay-Muslim integrity and competence.'

DPM: Nation's future rests on Malay-Muslim unity

your sayBender: When reading the subsection of this news report about western ideas challenging Islamic teachings, I was sure that DPM Muhyiddin Yassin would mention something about the K-pop phenomenon being a good example of that.

But surprisingly, Muhyiddin didn't even mention it. Instead, he gave the example of the struggle for freedom and human rights as western ideas.

The last time I checked, Islam is never against struggle for freedom and human rights, but Islam does have a clear definition of what is considered permissible as far as such outrageous entertainment like the K-pop event sponsored by the Malaysian government a few weeks ago in Putrajaya is concerned.

And what's with this unity talk being raised again? Doesn't he realise that Umno is in no position to talk about Muslim unity?

And even if it is desirable for Muslims to be united, why had Umno shied away from PAS and used whatever means to discredit the Islamic party all this while? Shouldn't Umno disband itself and join PAS already, for the sake of Malay-Muslim unity?

Whatsup: DPM, let the rakyat decide. Say what you may, Umno's Islam is definitely an embarrassment and a thorn to our country's side.

How can you harp on your race and religion as a DPM? May as well let PAS take over then, I'm sure they are better at upholding Islam and fairer in its interpretation than you bunch of thieves.

I always find BN leaders so hypocritical - proclaiming openly their goody two shoes attitude but practising the complete opposite - they are corrupt and rotten to the core, extreme in their greed, brutal, liars of the highest order and uncivilised in behaviour.

And when caught red-handed, they abuse the laws to absolve themselves so that they can continue their rotten and evil ways. Malaysia is better off with a change.

Louis: What are true Islamic teaching? Love for fellow citizens, free of corruption, no abuse of power, justice and be fair to all, and lots more.

Do you and fellow Umno members follow just a few of these Islamic virtues?

Anonymous #55961902: We all know Malay unity is intact and as solid like rock. Umno is losing power to the progressive PAS, PKR and DAP Malays. It is losing the grip, therefore they are trying to salvage their strength in calling all Malays to unite.

The non-corrupt and the right-thinking Malays are shying away from Umno and that was the reason why the DPM is calling for the Malays to be united.

Swipenter: This Malay-first Muhyiddin is again uttering dangerous nonsense laced with undertones of racism and religious intolerance.

The future of our country depends on the unity and harmony of Malaysians, irrespective of race and religion. What are the Malay-Muslims united against?

Telestai: I am afraid you are wrong, Mr Malay-first DPM. The future of Malaysia rests on the masses being enlightened to see things with an uncluttered and logical mind.

For 55 years, Umno has muddied the minds of Malaysians with race and religion to the extent they cannot view issues without the racial lens.

The day when Malaysia is truly liberated is when the rakyat accept one another as comrades-in-arms fighting a common cause to promote a just and caring society and install a responsible, transparent and progressive government.

Until then, your Malay unity and 1Malaysia propaganda is nothing but hogwash.

20121221Disaster: Umno's only hope is that the true Malays and the genuine Muslims are still ignorant and can support their hold on power. When they talk about the so-called non-Malays, they normally only refer to the Chinese.

Odin: One (if there are more, I don't know who they are) of us here is a Malay, Muslim and university professor. If he gets to read this, I'm sure he'll agree with me that you're talking rot.

Your real problem is the existence of the non-Malays. To you, they're like a boil that has erupted right on your butt. Lance or cauterise it to get rid of it.

So, deport all the non-Malays; but, first, compensate them for their assets at market value. I'm sure Russia, US and Canada would be willing to accommodate them in the Tundra and Siberia, and I'm confident that they'll be able not only to survive but to do well, too. Do that.

Yours will then be the only race from the northernmost tip right down to the southernmost tip of the Malay peninsula. Perfect bliss, no?

Oscar Kilo: The nation's future rests not on Malay-Muslim unity. The nation's future rests on Malay-Muslim integrity and competence.

Jean Pierre: DPM - My future depends on Malaysian disunity. - Malaysiakini

Malay : UMNO thinks it can "fool" the Malays by claiming Malay unity. What UMNO wants is for the now divided Malays to VOTE FOR THEM so that they can continue to "rob" Malaysia of its wealth.

IT's time the Malays wake up and VOTE AGAINST UMNO/BN for a BRIGHTER FUTURE.

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