
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BN Press Undermine Sultan of Johor, BUT police just Ignores!!!!

Humorous look at the behavior of the mainstream media control the BN regime. If there are issuesthat 3R element (Religion, Royal, and Race) they will turn the clock day afternoon. the BN regime control authority also did not miss fast play . For example, YB Nizar disputed issue of number plate auction WWW 1. Yesterday, Umno Youth

Johorfor the report, today announced lightning Police task force formed to investigate alleged Nizar. If seen, the local newspaper BN regime controls a blatant bid to mock issue of the plate number. But no such action

fromthe authorities. Caricature quoted in the local newspaper is so clear turn issue plates by auction

SultanJohor, and create a negative perception of the people against the sultan. Caricature is so clearly contain elements of sedition as claimed by the regime of former Chief Minister of BN

Silver, Nizar. If it were not leaders in Pakatan Rakyat, do not want to investigate? stoning © " The police did not read the newspapers? "

Read original Malay text : http://milosuam.blogspot.com/2012/06/akhbar-persenda-sultan-johor-polis-tak.html 

source: MiLoSuam

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