
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Netbooks not for MIC leaders...not!

I came across Mole's article of YB Kamalanathan's denial of the accusation that he misused some funds in procuring the 1Malaysia netbook that was meant for students and those earning less than RM3,000.00.

Some time in 2010, I attended a briefing by then MCMC Acting Senior Director of USP Division, and he took the trouble to explain in detail what the USP was used for and in particular how the mechanics of the 1Malaysia netbook was gonna be.

In fact, after that I visited Kampung Serendah by myself and interviewed some people there on how the netbgook helped them and how Kampung Wifi was affecting their daily lives.

So to what YB Kamalanathan was accused of, I can safely say that these MP's certainly do not have the means to get involved accept for the part in handover ceremonies.

The way the netbook is distributed is based on a 70-30% ratio (70% being those who qualified through their means, basically those who earned below a fixed household incomeand registered with the ekasih program of the welfare ministry and 30% being those who are in the community category, like those living in remote areas that conduct community welfare programs programmes.

I was first alerted of this USP fund when it was raised by an MP in parliament questioning the source of funding where the distribution of netbooks was concerned. And in the months that followed, even the MACC follwed up with their own probe. This not to mention theintense scrutiny by the media, however since then several reports and probes have found that the distribution was done in accordance to the law.

I am not certain what made PKR Vasantha Kumar to claim that YB Kamalanathan was involved in the wrongful distribution of 1Malaysia Netbooks, but I suspect that she is one of those out there to make a loud enough noise to be heard come the next general election....

After all, we bloggers have already probed this netbook thingy and found that if anything, its probably those who have received rather than those giving it who are at fault. 

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