
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 21, 2012


By Admin

According to BN component Party, PPP President M. Kayveas admitted that BN especially Umno is not willing to have a single, multi racial BN for fear of losing power to the non Malays. Kayveas said that a multiracial BN based on merits rather than race or religion wil result in Malays losing their political dominance to non Malays. It will also mean the end of Umno's political dominance.

This revelation by Kayveas only confirms what everybody have known so far, that BN is a grouping of racist led by the bigoted Umno. Any non Malay still supporting the BN or voting for it are either ignorant or have sold their dignity to BN/Umno for a price.  

Courtesy of Malaysians Must Know The TRUTH

Non-Malays feel sidelined as 2nd class citizens, humiliated that they cannot be equal and even encouraged to leave the country if they are not happy. Barisan Nasional, who is supposed to be the only political coalition capable of serving this nation, stands blind and impotent, as the abuse continues unabated.

One day, we may see the exodus of the non-Malays from this country. When the last Chinese is gone, we will start to miss the pretty, miniskirted Chinese lasses, and the corporate-dressed Chinese executives. Gone will be the sound of Chinese music during Chinese New Year, the dragon dances, the firecrackers, the red angpows, the Chinese operas and kung fu movies on TV. Left behind will be empty buildings from Chinese businesses and the friendly neighborhood sundry shops, whose owners used to chatter in 'broken' Malay. Gone will be the Chinatown in Petaling Street, with its cheerful bright lights, myriad of colors and all kinds of everything for sale amidst the incessant Chinese chatter.

When the Indians follow, there will be no more dark beauties in colorful saris, no more colorful temples, no more Hindi movies and the interesting Indian and Hindu culture. No more fiery chicken curries, tosai, tandoori and papadam. And with it goes the Hindu culture with the carrying of the Kavadi and Chariots of the Gods of Thaipusam and Festival of Lights of Deepavali. No more laughter of happy Indian children playing.

With the Christians joining the exodus, there will be no more sounds of Christmas carols, green Christmas trees dressed in white cotton and decorations. No more Santa Claus in the Shopping Complexes and Shopping Centres. No more Christmas turkey dinners in hotels all over the country and no reason to celebrate the New Year, which Malay hardliners say is a Christian celebration.

Kuala Lumpur, as Malaysia leans to a more Islamic way of life, will see masses of people going to work all dressed in headscarves and Baju Melayu, with even your own sister hardly recognizable among the crowd. How boring it will be without the non-Malays to lend flair, culture, color, identity and fun to our way of life. Malaysia may one day be like Saudi Arabia. All work and no play or is the other way around - all play and no work!

It will be really sad for Malaysia to lose all its ethnicity, diversity, its potpourri of culture and its identity. Aren’t we selling Malaysia as truly Asia? Why must the government continue to play with our sensitivities and keep tearing us apart?

If the non-Malays go, I will leave too. No sense hanging around and continue to be abused by these 'half aliens' even though they may be of the same race as me. Suddenly, New Zealand sounds very appealing. I’m sure they need average journalists like me with no sense of humor.

Read more herehttp://malaysiansmustknowthetruth.blogspot.com/2012/02/when-all-non-malays-leave-malaysia.html

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