
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Malaysians more racial after 2008 GE?

We agreed with the recently statement from Gerakan secretary-general Teng Chang Yeow saying that Malaysians had became more racial but disagreed that the situation had became racial only after the 12th general elections in last 2008.

Teng must realize that Malaysians had became more racial not after the 2008 elections. It is because the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition itself, the policies and undertakings carried out by the Umno-led BN governments are all racial. That is why you cannot blame the Malaysians of being so racial these days.

In the BN itself, it consist Umno who is for Malay unity, MCA for Chinese unity, MIC for Indian unity, PBB for Melanau unity, SPDP and PRS for Dayak unity and so on. The very big problem here is in the BN coalition itself are consisting of racial-based political parties which champion each others' ethnics which they claim to be representing. And what can multiracial parties in BN like Gerakan and PPP can do in order to strengthen non-racial approach concept? They cannot do much and would become dumb most of the time when it comes to issues being brought up in accordance to ethnic composition.

In the government sector and its policies, everything from top to the bottom are mentioned racially in order to give priority and special treatment to one particular race. So does the education, loan disbursement, subsidies, provisions of allocations, and even allotment of civil service positions to certain people of certain ethnicity or background. Everything that speaks in the civil service, the government policies, implementations and systems are racial.

Other laws and regulations pertaining to our people's livelihood are also racial. For example, housing, business contracts and licensing, all these are giving priorities to one particular race just because of one reason, they are weak, poor and needed to be assisted in their developments by giving them special attention. Come on, other races does have poor and weak people too! Why are they not being specially treated as well? They also need special assistance in order to develop, isn't it so?

Because of the BN's racial product, everyone of us continue to talk about race until today. We talk about race when we are with friends, we talk about race when we are studying, we talk about race when we are working, we talk about race when we doing hiring for the workforce, we talk about race when we give out donations, we talk about race in whatever we do almost everyday. Why? Because it was BN which is under the dominance of Umno started all those racial policies.

As such, in order to stop all these racial issues and get on with a new non-racial approach, we must stand out and steadfastly reject racial politics and adopt social politics, at the same time work towards getting rid of all race-based political parties, policies and laws.

Can Gerakan do that?

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