
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


THE KWSP (EPF) complex in Kota Kinabalu City has undergone massive renovation work without proper approval. This was disclosed and brought to the notice of the KKMP Hiew King Cheu.

The alleged renovation work in the huge EPF complex without proper approval from the various authorities has raised concern and doubts among the people on why this massive renovation work has been carried out without proper approval.
The work has started a few months back, and the work has extended to many floors including the ground floor shopping area. All the tenants have moved out to make way for the work. The shop units have been demolished, and new brick walls have been erected to replace the original glass panels. Many building services are being pulled down and waiting for reinstallation. There will be a new restaurant built on the compound of the complex.

The KKMP Hiew King Cheu had visited the EPF complex with the Sabah DAP vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie to find out on the condition. The renovation is well on the way but it is learnt that the approval from the various authorities were not given.

This means the renovation carried out by the KWSP is totally illegal. The question now is why EPF can get on to the renovation work which involved some major structural alteration without proper approval from the authorities concern, especially from DBKK, Bomba, Health Department and others.

This calls for an explanation from EPF and DBKK on why this has happened. It is a must that all approval must be obtained before work is allowed to commence.

The people also commented that the new renovation on using brick walls is no better than the old glass partition. The old tenants who were here for more than 15 to 20 years have a lot to complain even though their tenancy agreement had expired.
Their complaints are mostly on not being given enough time to move while the contractor has speed up the work. There is a few units still trying to move out, but their walls had been removed.

The point is why a building like this should undergo massive renovation work, and created much inconvenience among the tenants and the people who frequent the complex. The post office was moved out and this caused further problems here.

Many people have asked why spend such huge among of the EPF contributors money in this renovation, and what is the amount approved to carry out this job. Is the renovation contract being tendered out, and why a Semananjong contractor is awarded to carry out the job, and not a local Sabahan contractor?

This calls for some explanation and answers from the EPF management. This is concerning the contributor's money and this will affect the benefits of the contributors eventually. The people also ask why not use the money to extend the car park facility here to solve the problem of parking.

DBKK should take action to ensure that the renovation in the EPF building is done properly and with proper approval given. If necessary, the work has to be suspended, and summon or penalty has to be imposed for any abuses of the laws to set as a good example. No one is above the laws. - Sabahkini


  1. apa2 renovation seharusnya perlu mendapat kelulusan terlebih dahulu. apapun, baik dgr penjelasan dari pihak KWSP.

  2. Siasat dulu dakwaan ni. DAP rasanya tidak tau pun keadaan yang sebenar.

  3. Macammana pula KK MP Hiew King Cheu kalau renovation itu diluluskan atau tidak. Mungkin ada kelulusan yang dibuat.

  4. It is impossible to not have approval for this renovation.

  5. kenapa Hiew tidak berjumpa terus dengan pihak DBKK atau bomba untuk mendapatkan penjelasan??


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