
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 10, 2012

Ex-CID chief: PAS-DAP link soothes ethnic tensions

The ability of Islamist PAS and secular DAP to finally work together has paved the path to a healthy political environment in the country, says former Bukit Aman CID chief Fauzi Shaari.

Speaking to Malaysiakini at his home in Shah Alam last Friday, Fauzi described the two parties as “cats and dogs” due to their contrasting ideologies, but now that they are working together, it helps to promote harmony among Malaysia’s diverse society.

NONE“PAS and DAP before this were like cats and dogs. It was not possible (for them to be together). But now there is something good coming out of this.

“Previously, we could see a lot of suspicion (among the races). And although there are still concerns and racial sentiments, I can see there is a significant difference compared to before.

“This (PAS-DAP partnership) has produced a new environment in Malaysia,” he said.

Fauzi, who joined PAS in May, credited PKR de facto Anwar Ibrahim as the man who brought PAS and DAP together.

“There is evidence... that this harmonious relationship has contributed to the peaceful situation and made it easier for the people to make (political) decisions,” he said.

No hudud until all agree

Commenting on lingering disputes between PAS and DAP over the implementation of Islamic law, Fauzi said this was mostly confined to DAP chairperson Karpal Singh.

He said other DAP leaders such as Lim Kit Siang and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng do not stir a controversy over the proposal.

“It means they do not say that (hudud) cannot be implemented because they understand the issue better. 

dap national congress meeting 040904 guan eng and karpalThey accept the fact that people would not be scared if hudud (was implemented). It (only involves) two or three rules set by God,” Fauzi said.

He urged Karpal to “see the issue with an open heart” and leave “the old school of thought”.

Fauzi, who served as a police officer for 32 years, said Malaysians should not question Islamic law since they are able to accept the civil law inherited from British colonialists.

“What is the difference between (hudud) and the Penal Code? It (Penal Code) was not even written by us. It originates from the British,” he said.

However, Fauzi conceded that hudud should not be implemented until PAS is able to convince its other coalition partners to back it.

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