
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 10, 2012

Najib's presence of little effect on BN defection

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's scheduled weekend visit to Sabah is not in any way expected to influence a Barisan Nasional person from defecting and supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

Sabah PKR chief Ahmad Thamrin Jaini (below, left) said the person has made up his mind and Sabahans are generally fed up with the BN.

"NONENajib's presence, I presume, is to announce the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry and it will not have an impact. Why announce only now, after Sabahans have been waiting for it for so long?

"The feeling on the ground is that Sabahans want change. Sabah is no longer BN's fixed deposit as it, along with the other Pakatan Rakyat states, plan to defeat BN's dominance in Parliament and take the federal government. 

"Sabah hopes to put a dent on BN's dominance. We have done this before, when Sabah was ruled by the opposition," Ahmad Thamrin said in reference to PBS rule under Joseph Pairin Kitingan before switching to the ruling coalition.

He told told Malaysiakini that the movement on the ground iwas that the people wanted a change in the Ffederal government, and they have seen it themselves.

He said with former Deputy Housing and Local Government deputy minister Lajim Ukin willingness to sacrifice his federal and Umno position along with perks to join this cause for Sabahans tells you something's not right with BN.

Lajim resigned his post from the Umno Supreme Council on July 28, paving the way for him to keep his pledge 

Similary, the state PKR leader said with Tuaran MP WilfredBumburing who joined Lajim in this cause has turned his back on his United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) post.
 Ground up mood for change

On the identity of the person intending to quit BN and whether there could be mor, Ahmad Thamrin said for certain there is only one.

"He is from a BN component party and not from Umno. It will be another coup for the opposition," he said.

He said he could reveal more details as whole thing involves political strategy. "But the person is sure to defect. I cannot say for now whether there will be others," he said.

NONEAhmad Thamrin's sentiments was also echoed by PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd (right) Akin who said the mood in Sabah is changing.

"I have been spending a lot of time in Sabah and I can see the people want change and the BN cannot sustain this tide further.
"I can also confirm that the BN component party person who wants to support Pakatan is not from Umno," he said.

Shamsul Iskandar said that the people are also attracted by the 20 percent oil royalty offer if Pakatan takes over the federal government and other policies that it can offer especially free education.

He also said that Lajim and Bumburing's support for Pakatan would not affect the opposition's seat allocation as the final say is in the hands of the Pakatan leadership.

"There maybe some squabbling but in the end everyone has to abide by the decision of the Pakatan leadership in terms of candidates and seat allocation," he said.

Shamsul Iskandar said Najib's visit to Kimanis, near Beaufort and also Papar would not have much effect in stemming the tide of change.

"The change in Sabah is not leader oriented but is from the ground as the grassroots hunger for change.


  1. Dari dulu lagi Datuk Najib dapat rasanya yang mana Lajim tindak tanduknya bercanggah dengan semangat parti BN. Bagus juga pembubaran tidak dibuat masa itu. Ini yang ditunggu oleh Lajim sebenarnya tapi akhirnya tidak berjaya.

    1. Najib tahu tapi tidak mengambil apa2 tindakan seperti pemecatan serta merta.. bukankah ini menunjukkan wujudnya demokrasi dalam BN? tidak seperti Pakatan yang mana ahli2nya sendiri disekat dari membuat kenyataan yang bertentangan dengan semangat parti..

    2. BN tak seperti PR, tak beri kebebasan ahlinya keluarkan pendapat.

    3. I think he has a good prediction about the case.

  2. Replies
    1. RCI has been set up so let's see in 6 months time.

  3. ""Why announce only now, after Sabahans have been waiting for it for so long?""

    since when sabahan waiting for it? since Najib who only have 4 years or Tun M who have 22 years??

    1. Dan siapa yang sekarang mati-matian kritik RCI kalau bukan Tun M?

    2. I wonder why Dr M loves to undermine us. What his motive?

  4. ""Shamsul Iskandar said that the people are also attracted by the 20 percent oil royalty offer if Pakatan takes over the federal government""

    please give detailed explanation about this.. how Pakatan able to give 20 percent when there 60% of operation/exploration costs and 30% for subsidies??

    1. Easy said than done. PR only want to get the people support, not to fulfill its promises.

  5. keluarnya Lajim dan Bumburing dari BN, tidak akan membawa apa2 kesan kepada BN.. lihat saja ketika PRU12.. jangankan ahli, dengan parti sekali keluar BN.. tapi tetap juga tidak mampu menumbangkan BN..

    1. Kita tunggu nanti apa kata rakyat. Semuanya hanya akan kita ketahui apabila keputusan PRU13 diumumkan.

    2. BN takkan tergugat walaupun mereka keluar. BN tetap kukuh.

    3. Personally their departure won't cost too much of something because they're not even important.

  6. Siapa yang tahu apa pengumuman yang Najib buat da?

  7. RCI has been set up and it shows the federal government is concerned enough.


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