
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 10, 2012

Liow's denial fuels 902 anti-cyanide rally

The health minister’s ambiguous denial that the health of Bukit Koman residents was not affected by the use of cyanide in gold mining operation, and MCA’s failure to fulfill its promises made to the residents, have strengthened their determination to make the Sept 2 anti-cyanide rally a success.

NONEIn a statement yesterday, the Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee (BCAC) described the denial by both Health MinisterLiow Tiong Laiand Health Ministry deputy director-generalDr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman as “misleading and unprofessional”. 

This statement by the duo was a total contrast to a survey done by the residents in May, which found that eight out of 10 residents in surrounding areas were suffering health problems, believed to be related to a local gold mining company, Raub Australia Gold Mine (RAGM).

RAGM uses cyanide, a chemical said to have potential hazards to public health and the environment, in its mining operation.

bukit koman mining lake 310107BCAC doubted the ministry’s claims as figures and data on its health survey have never been made public.

“BCAC is a small committee with little financial and human resources. Yet we strove to gauge the problems in an objective manner by conducting surveys and assessing the data and figures.   

“The all-powerful government that has all resources at their command, however, attempted to rebuke our survey results with empty rhetoric.

“Show us the numbers for this is not a game but human lives are at stake. The well-being of local communities is at stake,” said the statement.

The committee also rebutted Liow’s claim that the use of cyanide in gold mining has been in practice for centuries.

“This is a blatant lie. Not until February 2009 has the (RAGM’s) carbon-in-leach plant using sodium cyanide started operation in Bukit Koman.”

‘MCA reneged on promises’

In another statement issued on Wednesday, BCAC blasted MCA top leaders including president Dr Chua Soi Lek, deputy president Liow and MCA Wanita chief Ng Yen Yen who had met with the residents early last month but later reneged on their promises.

bukit koman meet mca 010712 01According to the committee, the first promise - to perform detailed checkups on the villagers - was rejected by the Health Ministry on the grounds of expensive cost.

The subsequent alternative solution - to form a joint survey panel with the residents - has also failed to materialise, and instead the ministry issued its own statement claiming that everything is fine.

The second promise of forming a panel of experts from both sides to enter the gold mine to perform inspections was not kept as the expert hired by MCA has not responded despite repeated attempts to contact him, claimed the committee.

The residents are still waiting for another two promises to be fuifilled - installing permanent around-the-clock air quality monitoring devices and requesting RAGM to publish a contingency plan for the residents.

“The BCAC members are ordinary Malaysians. We might not be highly educated but we know our rights. All we ask for is the right to live without the fear of an ecological disaster as we cherish this place, where we were born and raised.
NONE“We reiterate our call to all concerned Malaysians, across ethnic and religious boundaries, on both sides of the political divides, to attend Himpunan Hijau Raub on Sept 2, 2012.  

“It will be a peaceful assembly to celebrate the rising awareness of human rights and environmental justice,” stressed the statement.

Malaysiakini had contacted RAGM owner Andrew Kam(right in photo)  last week but he declined to give a response.

Kam was in the limelight recently for offering a gold bar for every national athlete who can win a gold medal in the Olympic Games.

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