
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 6, 2012

MCA goes after Nizar for 'jalur malang' unlucky stripes remark

MCA goes after Nizar for 'jalur malang' unlucky stripes remark
While it is possible within the confines of law for public officials to air their frustrations, some issues are sacrosanct and should always be respected. But Pakatan leaders seem clueless about the importance of respecting national symbols like the flag, which was recently attacked by one of PAS’ top leaders.
As reported in The Star (6 Aug 2012), Perak PAS leader Dato’ Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin recently insulted the Jalur Gemilangthrough his personal Twitter account, complaining: “’Janji ditepati’ malang prayaan kemerdekaan tahun ini di buat oleh kabinet BN, luntur semangat nak kibarkan jalur gemilang, jalur malang! (‘Promises Fulfilled’ – unfortunate that Merdeka celebration this year is organized by BN cabinet, no mood to wave Jalur Gemilang, unlucky stripes!”)
Even in fully developed democracies, it is widely accepted that the national flag should never be dishonoured – especially by lawmakers whose role is to uphold the values of the country! Nizar’s careless comment not only demonstrates Pakatan’s lack of tact, it reveals a deeper issue at hand – the opposition officials’ lack of true respect for the nation and what Independence stands for.
Pakatan shows lack of patriotism and loyalty to nation and the rakyat
This is not the first time that the opposition has targeted the national flag as we approach Merdeka and Malaysia Day. In fact, it seems that Pakatan has insulted the country’s flag several times now, all during times of commemoration for Malaysia as a nation.
In 2011, DAP state assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan suggested modifying the Jalur Gemilang to suit the looks of the DAP flag. Manoharan posted on his Facebook that he refused to fly the national flag and distributed DAP flags in replacement. Similarly, in the preceding year, DAP Klang Member of Parliament Charles Santiago disrespecfully flew our Malaysian flag upside down and tattered at his Pandaraman service center. TheJalur Gemilang is recognised by the United Nations and the International Olympic Council as a symbol of Malaysia’s nationhood. But DAP, in disdaining our Malaysian flag also dispels our nationhood and sovereignty.
Pakatan should be proud of Malaysia and the values that the national flag upholds. When Malaysian Olympian Dato’ Lee Chong Wei won the silver medal for badminton, the country’s flag was raised high and proud. Instead of showing contempt and disrespect for the nation’s flag, I strongly urge Pakatan to put aside their political agenda and prioritise Malaysia first.
Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon is MCA Youth National Deputy Chairman & MCA Youth Perak Chairman, State Assemblymen for Chenderiang, Perak Executive Councillor for Health, Local Government and Environment

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