
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Najib plans to throw Sabahans a juicy bone

YOURSAY 'Why is it when BN is under siege that PM Najib Razak hastily announced the terms of reference for the RCI?'

PM to head to Sabah to stave off defections

your sayMoontime: For years Sabahans have demanded for a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate the problem of illegal immigrants.

Why is it when BN is under siege that PM Najib Razak hastily announced the terms of reference for the RCI?

I suspect this is just a damage-control exercise. Nothing more. I'm sure Najib is secretly horrified of the prospect that Sabah is no longer a safe fixed deposit for BN.

This is what you get for taking a lot of things for granted. The defection by two most senior Sabah politicians may just open the floodgates for many more.

Remember what happened in 1985? Berjaya was ousted by PBS, which won handsomely. History can, and will, repeat itself for those who refused to learn from it.

Cascara: What is going to come out of this RCI? There have been RCIs in the past but nothing concrete has ever come out of them. Najib's RCI announcement is just to appease the Sabahans. Don't fall for it.

Starr: Najib heading to Sabah to starve off defections shows how insincere he is in addressing the issues affecting the state, least of all the issues of illegal immigrants and the petroleum royalties.

The federal government has been procrastinating over the issue for such a long time now, it's highly doubtful if the federal government is sincere at all in tackling the issue.
After all, it was the collusion of the federal departments that got the state into such a mess, probably with the tacit approval of the political masters to serve their political agenda.

The setting up of the RCI may not necessarily lead to any solution of the problem, it may well just be an attempt to pacify the BN component parties with no real intentions to resolve the matter.

Surely, the National Registration Department under the Home Ministry should know how many ICs have been fraudulently issued to the illegal immigrants in Sabah. What's there to stop them from cancelling these Ics?

AnakBangsaMalaysia: Too little, too late, Najib. We already know the RCI will be nothing more than a delaying tactic that will ultimately and inevitably conclude in a whitewash of Umno-BN's role in facilitating illegal immigrants and illegally issuing citizenships in in order to manipulate the elections.

It is long past time to purge Sabah of the cancer of Umno and BN.

Joe Fernandez: Sabah has always showed the way in politics. Sabahans get very nervous when a party remains too long in power.

In the past, they used to change ruling parties every 10 years. This time they are a bit slow. The change in 2004 didn't take place. 2008 has come and gone. The 13th GE would be an occasion for Sabahans to demand that all parties in the state incorporate locally.

It's not possible to keep the various Muslim factions in Sabah united forever under one political party. Anwar is capitalising on this factor.

Sabahans are more bound by tribal loyalties than religion. Besides, the Muslims in Sabah are divided into the Orang Asal and others. These two groups have nothing in common. Their politics differ, and their business and other interests differ.

The Orang Asal, above all, want to protect their land. The Muslims in Sabah, being united under one political platform, only serves the interests of Umno in Putrajaya.

The grinding poverty of Sabah further complicates the picture. Religion is not the main issue in Sabah as Putrajaya likes to think. When the non-Muslims don't flog their religion, it's not possible for Putrajaya to flog Islam.

People in Sabah marry across religious lines without converting. Sabah is a universe away from Peninsular Malaysia. East is East and West is West, and never shall the twain meet.

Kee Thuan Chye: Well, we can guess what will transpire from this. Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin will stay on with Umno. His former positions will be reinstated.

Those others who were waiting to jump will now stop themselves. They might get compensation to stay on.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will be the loser when he arrives the day after Najib. The people of Sabah will be happy with the RCI. And they will remain solidly behind BN at the next GE.

Sabah remains a safe deposit. It's back to status quo.

Anonymous #19098644: How many RCIs have we had. How many of those recommendations have been implemented? Has any identified guilty party been punished?

So another report will be generated. The election will come and go. The only way change can come is to vote out BN.

Jiminy Qrikert: Najib heads Selangor Umno. Now he is off to Sabah to head Sabah Umno. Isn't Najib also heading Perak BN, the state he robbed the rakyat of?

Soon, he will have to head Negri Sembilan Umno to head off Pakatan Rakyat's threat there. Then he needs to jet off to Sarawak to yet again offer 'I help you, you help me', and finally he will have to also head Johor Umno.

Najib is totally screwed. He is running ragged just trying to plug all the holes that Pakatan is poking in his election campaign, not to mention all the sabotage efforts of Muhyiddin Yassin and Hishammuddin Hussein.

Vgeorgemy: BN always treated Sabahans with contempt due to their leaders' corruption. You forgot their demand for RCI is to claim back their land from the illegals and to protect the integrity of the state.

Your action may be too late as everyone knows you are not on the throne, but Dr Mahathir Mohamad and he is the main reason for all the mess. - Malaysiakini


  1. Hopefully the RCI TOR will not upset the Sabahans.

    1. tak lama lagi RCI ditubuhkan.

    2. RCI must be implemented as soon as possible. the issue become more critical now.

  2. RCI adalah harapan untuk selesaikan masalah PATI.


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