
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 5, 2012

'We're under no illusions about AG and MACC'

YOURSAY 'Clearly, the AG's Chambers, police and MACC are colluding with one another to serve the interests of their political masters.'

MACC accused of diverting from AG in Ho Hup case

your sayStarr: And yet PM Najib Razak has the audacity, in reference to arrest of Rafizi Ramli for whistle-blowing in the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) scandal, of accusing the PKR strategic director of not making a report to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) in the first instance.

Clearly, the people are under no illusion that the Attorney-General's Chambers, the police and the MACC are colluding with one another to serve the interests of their political masters.

How can Najib justify Rafizi's arrest for exposing the NFC scandal to the public? Without Rafizi's sacrifices and putting himself at risk to serve the greater interests of the public, we would not have known so much and the culprits would have got away scot free.

Similarly, without the sacrifices of the former transport minister exposing the misdeeds of those responsible, we would also have known very little.

Even with that we are only seeing the 'small fish' being charged and prosecuted, leaving the 'big fish' still freely at large. And yet does Najib still expect the public to have faith in these government enforcement agencies?

Rubystar_4037: I like the comments by Starr. Very clear, well-written and articulated. Please continue to contribute your comments to Malaysiakini. Thank you.

Little Hantu: Najib, did you say "janji ditepati?" Corruption cases not investigated, so what janji has been tepati?

Liew Lean Kut: Give the evidence to the MACC? I think our PM has got to be kidding. No way! Rafizi, keep exposing the dirt and let them do their worst.

We can contribute money to fight them in court. The judges will be kept very busy. This is the only way the ordinary people get to know about corruption.

Supercession: It is high time that the AG is brought down for his alleged crimes, alongside BN, Umno and the rest of the corrupt.

Joe Fernandez: Why does the BN persist in its foolishness of keeping this AG who has zero credibility?

Jesse: No one can do anything about the AG at the moment. Go after him and you will also doom the rest of the administration. It would appear that all the apparatus of state is galvanised the protect the whole corrupt clan.

Anybody who dares to spill the beans is prosecuted for minute infractions. That is why the country is doomed with this bunch continuing with their merry ways, thanks to system they inherited from their mentor, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Anonymous #63753867: "After 10 months, the MACC should have finished its probe into the case but it is still pending," former Ho Hup managing director Low Tuck Choy told Malaysiakini.

How to, when they get instructions from "...." and watch pornography?

Dumb&Deaf: Too many naked, little puffed-up evil emperors and not enough honest children to laugh out loud at them whenever they parade themselves in public.

And the few honest children who do end up getting investigated and intimidated by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), MACC, CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia), Jais, Jawi, you name it.

JomUbahUbah: This shows that pro-Umno MACC is a useless agency that intimidates whistle-blowers and does not helping them to investigate corruption.

iVote: Corruption cases are cropping up in so many government departments and agencies and with top leaders.

And worst still, corruption is also suspected in public agencies that are by law supposed to subdue, investigate, charge and apprehend the corrupt, but are seen as partners in such abuses.

How can our nation ever come clean and be one that will be respected at home and overseas? Unless this country is subjected to drastic changes, our nation will continue to rot further in its democracy, justice, fairness and integrity.

Vgeorgemy: This is the hallmark of Najib's administration - frustrate the justice seekers to the extent of publicising their proof of wrongdoing in the court of public opinion.

Gen2: MACC without fear or favour? More likely without integrity, and a disgrace to all the anti-corruption agencies of the world.

Swipenter: "When the MACC went into Ho Hup, they asked our staff how come the documents were leaked," said Low.

MACC is always interested in plugging the leaks and going after the whistle-blowers and not the person(s) indulging in corruption.

We have witnesses dying in their office premises. We have MACC officers promoted for doing work "beyond the call of duty". We have MACC interrogators watching porn while working. We also have MACC officers committing armed robbery at airports.

And we have the MACC doing selective investigations against people deemed unfriendly to Umno-BN at the slightest excuse. - Malaysiakini

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