
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 13, 2012

Sabah RCI 'a sham and election charade'

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has rubbished the newly formed royal commission of inquiry (RCI)  on illegal immigrants in Sabah who have obtained citizenship, describing it as a "sham and a meaningless" general election ploy.
He said the exercise is an attempt to hide the "loss of confidence" in Sabah BN following the defection of a deputy minister, a parliamentarian and a senator disillusioned with the state ruling coalition.
NONELim criticised the panel's terms as being "extremely limited"  as there is no mention of the power to identify the source of the issue and the culprits responsible for handing out citizenship unlawfully.
"(The panel has) no power (either) to make recommendations to punish those responsible or how to resolve the problem," he said in a statement.
"This failure to probe and (act against) the culprits effectively means that the commission is toothless and another meaningless trick to delude Sabahans ... who have already been cheated for the last 25 years.”
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had announced the setting up of the RCI to investigate Sabah’s illegal immigrant problem and suspicious population boom over the last two to three decades.
Led by the former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Steve Shim, the royal panel’s main task is to investigate if foreigners have been unlawfully awarded Malaysian identity cards (IC) or citizenship.
It will also check if the holders of such ICs and citizenship have been included in the state’s electoral roll.
‘Questionable timing’
Lim said this is a "critical" problem because the interests of the local population have been affected and their political rights usurped.
azlanHe questioned the timing of the commission, saying that this is merely for "show" ahead of the general election.
If Najib were "truly sincere", the commission would have been set up a long time ago, he said.
"After years of refusing and then more delays after announcing it earlier this year, it is questionable that the RCI should be formed so hurriedly on the eve of an impending general election.”
"Sabahans will never forgive the BN for this diabolical and treasonous act, especially when it is now clear that the much-anticipated RCI will be nothing more than an election charade.”


  1. Kita tunggu saja benar atau tidak ini akan menyebabkan sokongan BN berkurangan oleh rakyat.

  2. Namun yang kita tahu RCI ini adalah antara janji kerajaan keapda rakyat. Jadi jika janji ini tertunai maka ini akan menarik lagi sokongan kepada BN. Itu sebab kenapa Pembangkang mula risau sekarang dan cuba memutar belitkan cerita.

    1. enubuhan RCI adalah atas pemintaan penduduk Sabah sendiri, mereka ingin masalah PATI diselesaikan. dan kerajaan dah tunaikan keinginan rakyat Sabah. sepatutnya kita semua kena beri kerjasama dalam memastikan RCI ini berjaya

  3. sejauhmana kredibiliti Lim Guan Eng yang melayakkan beliau untuk mempertikaikan RCI? pernahkah sebelum ini beliau ambil tahu atau memperjuangkan isu PATI atau Projek IC di Sabah?? kenapa hanya setelah RCI diumumkan baru dia bising?

  4. amat mengherankan apabila pemimpin2 dari Malaya sibuk masuk campur dengan RCI Sabah sedangkan sebelum ini mereka tidak pernah ambil tahu pasal negeri ini..

  5. semakin lantang pembangkang mempertikaikan RCI, semakin meluat saya tengok muka pemimpin2 pembangkang.. mereka juga tidak la bersih sangat, dan tidaklah cekap sangat.. LGE yang terkenal dengan sikapnya yang suka menindas kaum melayu, kini dia mahu tindas pula rakyat Sabah dengan cuba menggagalkan RCI..


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