
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 13, 2012

The problem with Umno

YOURSAY ‘They never had a serious opposition until 308 and now they are at a loss on how to deal with it.'

Umno cybertroopers: A clockwork 'jingga'

your saySwipenter: The problem with Umno and their "putras" and "puteris" is that they cannot see beyond their noses.

They are so used to having things their way for so long that anything that goes against their grain makes them flustered and uncomfortable, but they do not know how to react and rebut criticism in a matured and intelligent way.

They never had a serious opposition in the form of Pakatan Rakyat until 308 (March 8, 2008) and now they are at a loss on how to deal with it.

So we see more of the same thing/reaction coming from them against dissidents and opposition figures; issuing threats of violence, stirring racial and religious sentiments, using force, character assassinations, etc.

Even within the BN coalition they can even belittle MCA, MIC and Gerakan knowing that these three could do nothing and at best whimper some feeble protests against them.

Umno is like the proverbial school bully who got the shock of his life when the bullied and timid guy, having had enough of his bullying ways, stood up to defend himself and challenge him.

Taikohtai: Malaysian politicians still have a long way to progress before they can come to bi-partisan understanding and agreement on certain issues that involve the continual welfare of the country, for example water.

Hopefully the winner of the next general election will display more humility while the loser, more of the same.

Opah: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin ignores the fact that he himself used to be a contributor to Malaysiakini. I used to enjoy his articles and, of course, tearing his facile arguments apart in the comments section.

In one memorable article, he defended sending a goon squad of Umno Youth to assault Karpal Singh in the lobby of our Parliament. He boasted that Umno Youth would pay the fines that were imposed on the guilty ones. Khairy was roasted on Malaysiakini and he slid away on his belly, never to return.

Tekee: No amount of education can right the warped minds/hearts of ‘Umnoputrids'. KJ is the perfect example.

James Dean: "The day will come... we will be left with is a ruling power without a credible opposition" is already here.

Look at all the Pakatan-governed states, where is the "credible" opposition? Without the federal government support of promises in cash and kind, they have not come out with any ideas (except of racialist demonising and ridiculous accusations of corruption by Umno and MCA). Pakatan rules.

Anonymous #41809171: The BN government is up against two main bastions of opposition: Pakatan and the powerful entrenched elite within Umno led by Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

It must be painful for Najib Abdul Razak to be bleeding and attacked on both sides as he ticks the days off his calendar. But who's crying for him? Not me.

TUAH: Most of us have voted for BN in the past, especially during the time of the first three prime ministers. We found it convenient and safe in voting for stability.

Not so since 2000, when we slowly saw the destruction of our peaceful co-existence. Today, we want to see BN in the opposition to improve the national health of Malaysia after seeing years of abuse and corruption.

Ksn: As long as the present government can be replaced, which is only seen by Pakatan at present, there is no need for an opposition. If it is Umno Baru-BN, of course, it has no credibility to sit even as the opposition. Well, that is our people's choice.

For example, was there an opposition for PAP in Singapore until recently? Lee Kuan Yew and his group did a wonderful job, did they not, barring democratic freedom and elimination of all credible opposition by undemocratic practices.

But at least PAP has been responding quite well lately reading their people's needs, rights and aspirations for more freedom.

Just compare our government in all aspects, such as competency, meritocracy, integrity, lack of corruption, and rooting out racism. Umno Baru fails in all these aspects miserably.

If Khairy has doubts about our youth supporting the opposition, he is dead wrong. The older Malaysians have seen and experienced all the vices of our government for the last 30 years when the RM100 billion man took control.

Llfly: A well-written and thought-provoking article. I hope the voters do the thinking though, not Khairy, unless he really wants to lead a strong opposition.

Queenie: Complacency has set in for BN and complacency breeds arrogance. It's time we kick them out and show them who is the boss. - Malaysiakini

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