
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

AES to reduce deaths, not reap profits

The Road Transport Department (RTD) has denied that the implementation of the controversial Automated Enforcement System (AES) is aimed at profiting the companies involved in setting it up, but is directed at reducing road fatalities and accidents.

azlanIn a statement today, the RTD said that based on international studies, the electronic enforcement system could help reduce road fatalities by between 17 to 71 percent, citing France as an example, where it had recorded 27 percent decline in fatalities while Kuwait recorded a 48 percent decline in road accidents within three years.

“The system is to further increase what is called as the Perception of Being Caught (POBC) and reduce road accidents and fatalities which have been rising, resulting in the government (having) to bear higher expenses.

“It is not directed at issuing summonses or fines on road users or to profit the company implementing the system. The AES is a long-term move to reduce road accidents, especially road death cases,” the department said in the  statement.

azlanRTD also denied allegations by certain parties that the system, when implemented, would result in 170 million summonses being issued to motorists.

It said the Malaysia Institute of Road Safety (Miros) estimates the implementation of the AES would result in an increase in POBC awareness by 75 percent and this will be sufficient to improve a drivers’ character on the road.
The two companies technically-qualified to handle project
The department also claimed that many non-governmental organisations, including the Consumer Association of Penang and Malaysia Crime Prevention Federation (MCPF), supported the system.
The RTD said the two companies given the project, ATES Sdn. Bhd and Beta Tegap Sdn. Bhd, were selected as they are technically-qualified, and the project is based on the concept of build, operate, own and transfer, in which the two companies are given 66 months concession to develop, operate and maintain the system without any financial implications to the government.

There have been questions as to why the two companies were awarded the project, with PKR treasurer William Leong alleging the possibility that the two are owned by MCA cronies and one of them, Beta Tega, is purported to be a dormant company.

azlanThe government has however, denied anycrony links to the two companies.

However, members of the opposition have been calling for the government to reveal the terms in the traffic summons deal, while DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng alleged the government is taking back the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia by what it rakes in from the AES.

View AES locations here

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