
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The “Tidak Apa Attitude” of most Malaysians!

Sad to say that majority of Malaysians have this “tidak apa attitude” within them. How much do we really care for our environment? Do we teach and instill into our children that we should take care of the surrounding environment that we are living in? Are we as adults being good example to our kids?  I will never only blame the kids for throwing the rubbish here and there but the adults too.
This year 2012 is Perak Tourism year and we expect tourist to come and visit our country. Which tourist will come and visit our country if the surrounding area like beaches are polluted with rubbish thrown here and there. We see plastics,food wrappers, polystyrene lunch packs thrown every where around the beaches and not forgetting broken bottles too.
This month on Oct 6 2012, a group of environmental activist gathered at the Turtle Sanctuary in Segari, Manjung on a campaign to Save Our Turtles. When we got there, we saw rubbish thrown here and there. The place was not kept tidy at all. There were tourist coming over to visit the Turtle Sanctuary. On the beach there were rubbish too thrown here and there.
So the group of environmental activist got into groups and started cleaning the surrounding area. Really could not believe my eyes when I myself picked up an adult pampers thrown under a tree. Hello! Come on lah! Are we that foolish to throw an adult pampers that has already been stained thrown under a tree? I just forgot to take a photo of that pampers. Should have taken one photo of it.  I wonder if people with this kind of mentality will throw the used adult pampers in their living or dining hall? Aha! This is what I called those people with the “tidak apa attitude” character. They just care a damn for the environment because they do not value what we have.
And what surprised me more was, there was no rubbish bin at all at the Turtle Sanctuary sight. What is the City Council of Manjung doing about it? Why no rubbish bins at all placed at this area where I see there were people running business by selling food. What if picnickers come bringing the food that they have prepared and after eating where can they throw the paper plates and cups? These piled of garbage bags were loaded into a four 4WD to be disposed to a better place since there were no rubbish bins located here at all by the City Council of Manjung. Is this how we want to promote Perak as a year for Tourism?
This is truly our Malaysian style. We just do not care at all for the environment. Try throwing rubbish out of your vehicle in Singapore and see what you get! How come if Malaysians go to Singapore they know how to behave themselves by not littering everywhere, where else in our own country we still see people littering everywhere. I guess because “Malaysia is a Boleh Land” where you can do what you like.
By the way it is not only in Manjung area but also in Ipoh. You will see rubbish on the road of Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah facing the Tesco Extra. I wonder what are the municipal workers doing? Why are the roads so dirty with rubbish? What has the Mayor got to say for this. looks like the workers are not doing their job. What are the Councillors doing? Go and do your job and just do not sit in the office doing nothing.
I see big bill boards with words such as “Bandaraya Ipoh Bersih!” Is it really Bersih? Please as a Perakian, I want to see my city and my Perak State in a more better greener and cleaner environment. Why can’t we learn form our neighboring country Singapore to keep our country clean like them. We are so advanced in so many things but when it comes to cleanliness it is such a disaster. The toilets too are in a disastrous  condition. I do hope that the people concerned will take a serious look into these matters. We are promoting Perak as a Tourism Year 2012 but look at what we are offering to the tourist…“An Unhealthy and Unclean Environment in the state of Perak!”

source : Media Perak

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