
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 3, 2012

ABU is the only answer, says Haris

"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." - Bertrand Russell

INTERVIEW On the second of August this year, lawyer cum activist Haris Ibrahim through ABU (Anything But Umno) declared war on the Umno-BN regime.

Think about this for a moment. This went far beyond the normally civil rhetoric of oppositional political parties and galvanised a certain section of the voting public contemptuous of a regime that had declared war (much earlier) on anybody who stood in its way of maintaining the status quo.

ABU is the realisation in symbol and form of an undercurrent of deep discontent among a certain section of the voting public and the genius of Haris is that he has managed to articulate a rather simple idea that is both a political statement and a reference to pop culture.

NONEUnfortunately this idea carries with it a moral and intellectual deficiency that is not evident in Haris but in the manner in which some choose to propagate it.
Haris is no ideologue but rather an authentic Malaysian original whose opinions you may not agree with but who is a committed warrior - warrior is the only term to describe him - to the cause of the creation of a just Malaysia.

Since its creation, the ABU war cry has taken a life of its own and although its creator has a nuanced view on the political landscape in Malaysia, often times opposition partisans have used it as a convenient free pass to Pakatan Rakyat.

In the first part of this interview, Haris expounds on the nature of ABU and the realpolitik of oppositional politics.
The second part deals with his views on Malaysian dilemmas that fuel the conflict between the forces which claim they represent change and the current Umno regime.

Does ABU translate to a vote for Pakatan?

ABU's drive is to get the rakyat to understand why it is imperative that come the 13th general election (GE13), they vote for the non-BN candidate in their constituency, with a view to oust Umno-BN from Putrajaya.

Does this translate to a vote for Pakatan? Yes, in constituencies where a Pakatan candidate is pitted against one from BN. And yes, it also translates into a vote for every PSM, Star Sabah and SAPP (Sabah Progressive Party) and every other non-BN candidate up against a candidate from BN in GE13.

Does ABU get foreign funding and from whom?
ABU is funded by Malaysians, home and abroad.

Is ABU in reality a people's movement or an urban middle-class movement?

ABU is a movement steered by the many Malaysians who, through exposure to the alternative news media, have come to realise how the nation has been raped and pillaged by Umno-BN for so long, to now take this realisation to the more remote parts of the nation where people are still duped by the Umno-BN subservient mainstream media with their daily dose of Umno/BN-friendly lies, with a strong message - we must bury Umno-BN come GE13 or face certain ruin if we have to endure them for another term in Putrajaya.

Sure, the secretariat operates out of Kuala Lumpur. I am in KL. Several key strategic planners are in KL.
But key ground operators, from the north to the south, and even in Sabah, are not your typical urbanite or middle class.

Is ABU a people's movement? I think it is. Ask me this question again the day after polling during GE13.

In this highly partisan atmosphere, how does one maintain a critical stand on the opposition where any attempt is considered "enemy action" or a neutral pose?
Moreover, does ABU contribute to this sad state of affairs?

Like ABU, I too am not pro-opposition. I am pro-rakyat, particularly pro the 40 percent poor and marginalised.

Even as ABU and I push for a regime change post-GE13, which by default has us throwing our lot in with the present opposition, we are not blind to the faults that exist with the latter.

NONEIn my personal capacity, I have never hesitated to chastise the opposition publicly where I have felt it was called for.
My blog bears testimony to this. I will, in my personal capacity, continue to do so.

We are, however, very close to the mother of all general elections in this country, and voters will be called upon to make hard choices.

ABU has a very clear message to take to the people. And it's about the people choosing the lesser of two evils.

One, a regime that has sat too long, plundered the national wealth in that time and has shown itself, for now, at least, as being incapable of reform.
The other, an imperfect coalition. The choice, for us in ABU, is obvious.

In advancing our views on what that choice must be, ABU never paints the opposition out to be more than they are.

I remember the ABU/Hindraf forum was disrupted. What are your views on Hindraf and the perceived waning of its influence?
What factors do you think contributed to the decline of support for Hindraf?

I was among those who thought, and gave voice to that thought, that the Hindraf rally of Nov 25, 2007 ought not to proceed.

I was there at the rally, but as part of the Bar Council observation team. A few days after the rally, I publicly apologised for my earlier views.

We, as a nation, are indebted to the 20,000 or more who rallied that day under the Hindraf banner as they brought to the fore the manifest injustice that has been and continues to be inflicted on so many Malaysians by their exclusion from educational and economic opportunities, amongst others, that should be availed to all, without exception.

Since then, Hindraf has gone through its own internal problems, what with the formation of the Makkal Sakthi Party by (RS) Thanendran and the Human Rights Party by (P) Uthayakumar.

However, I think Hindraf has emerged from those trying times leaner and stronger, and ready to takes it place with a more conscious civil society.
And with the recent return of (P) Waythamoorthy from exile, Hindraf is well placed to play a meaningful role in GE13.

Is there more to the ABU philosophy then what partisans screech about online?

Asalkan Bukan Umno, or Anything But Umno, is the only conclusion you can come to if you fully understand what has gone on in the last 40 years and if you care enough to save this nation from ruin and to begin the process of bringing justice and equity to so many who been sidelined for so long.

In my view, this is the heart and the mind of ABU.

How do you think Pakatan has been doing so far in the states they run?

Kelantan has been under PAS administration for the last 20 over years and so, in my view, it might be best to assess Pakatan's performance there separately from the other three states.

In Penang and Selangor, there has clearly been overall improvements in the management of state resources, based on the recent auditor-general's report. I see it as a work in progress.

The real test comes when there is a federal government in place comprising Pakatan and other non-BN parties.

What is your opinion on how Pakatan handle the PTPTN (Higher Education Fund) issue?

Did they handle the PTPTN issue? My attention must have been directed elsewhere as I was not aware they had.

Do you think that communal issues are the bread-and-butter issues of Pakatan?


Did any Pakatan reps attend the recent Social Inclusion Act (SIA) forum?

This question ought to be put to, and answered, by representatives of the NGOs moving the SIA initiative, that is, SABM (Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia) and Hakam (National Human Rights Society).

If ABU is a declaration of war against Umno, will it (ABU) cease to exist after Umno loses federal power or will ABU continue to exist so long as Umno exist?

ABU is a people movement. The people will decide.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy.

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