
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 3, 2012


SUMMON.....Mr. Ngim (the car owner's husband) showing John the ‘Oolong’ summon from DBKK.

SABAH DAP Assistance Publicity Secretary, John Lee Kim Seng received a complaint from Mr. Nigm yesterday. He said that two separate parking summons were being sent to his wife (the car owner) twice based on the same compound ticket no.579750.

The funny thing is that the car registration number was different in both summons and the identification number (IC) was also different on both summons despite having the same name and address. The first summon was fine RM5,000 dated 02/08/2012 and the second summon fine RM500 dated 18/10/2012.
The car owner is very doubtful when received this summon, because she never received the parking summon ticket which is normally attach on the windscreen wiper.

(Double Click for clear image)
Furthermore, the car owner was outstation with the family on that date when the summon was issued. The car owner has requested DBKK to show the copy of the summon ticket, but the office was unable to produce such document.

John Lee said, the summon system of the DBKK seems to be dubious and is losing its credibility and accountability, and does not reflect the slogan "Berkhimat Untuk Negara Dengan Bersih, Cekap Dan Amanah".

John Lee urges DBKK to be more careful in doing their job at all times, because thing like this can cause heart attack or lost of time and money. The DBKK should immediately put right their mistake and apologize to the car owner.

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