
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 3, 2012

Follow Shahrizat in taking a 'holiday', Rafizi urges Nazri

De facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz should follow former women’s minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil example of taking a “holiday” from the cabinet while he is being investigated for alleged corruption, said PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli. 

“This is especially since among many Umno and BN (Barisan Nasional) leaders who criticised Shahrizat, the most vocal was none other than Nazri himself. 

NONE“If he was previously so concerned that the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) (scandal) would drag Umno (down) and weaken Umno’s position in the coming election, I think it is his turn now,” Rafizi (centre in photo) told a press conference at PKR’s headquarters today. 

He said he will lodge a report against Nazri to initiate investigations on Monday, as well as against timber tycoon Michael Chia who had allegedly given Nazri’s son a luxury sports utility vehicle (SUV).
Nazri had yesterday denied any conflict of interest when he told the Parliament Chia has been cleared of corruption by Hong Kong authorities because the statement was supplied by the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), both of which he has no power.

He added that his son, Nedim Mohd Nazri, is already an adult and what happens between him and Chia is none of his business.

Must probe if car given because of Nazri’s position

However, Rafizi said under Section 16(a) of the MACC Act 2009, a person who receives bribery includes someone who “corruptly solicits or receives or agrees to receive (the gratification) for himself or for any other person”.

Therefore, he said MACC should investigate whether the SUV worth at least RM459,000 was given because of Nazri’s position as a senior minister.

NONE“It is not my place to speculate, nor it is his (Nazri’s) place to decide for the public. It is the place and the responsibility of the authorities to investigate and determine whether Nedim (right, in photo) received the gratification because of Nazri’s position.

“If that is the case, there is already an offence according to Section 16(a) of the MACC Act,” he said.

An offence under Section 16 is punishable by up to 20 years jail and a fine no less than five times than the value of the gratification.

Commenting on Nazri’s defense that he was merely a spokesperson for AGC and MACC, Rafizi pointed out that his statement was the most influential since the issue started.

“At a time when he (Nazri) defends Chia to death, when there is concrete evidence being shown, when MACC and AGC is accused of not doing their job by not taking action, and suddenly (it turns out that) Nazri’s son has gotten a luxury car.

“Of course to me there is a strong basis for suspicion that corruption has taken place,” he said.

He also described Nazri’s response to his allegations as “slightly in bad taste”, but did not want to elaborate on the matter in order to focus on the corruption allegation.

'We’ve proven Hummer used exclusively by Nedim’s family'

During his press conference, Rafizi also aired seven videos purported to link the Hummer SUV to Nedim. The videos span less than ten minutes in total and are silent.

Rafizi said the sound was removed in order to protect the identity of those recording it as they had been making comments on what they observed.

NONEThe videos show persons purported to be Nedim’s driver and bodyguard handling both the Hummer and the family’s Toyota Vellfire van on separate occasions.

A green Audi sports car, which Rafizi claimed to be driven by Nedim, was also seen overtaking the Hummer near his purported residence in Damansara Heights on two separate occasions.

“It is in convoy. When the Hummer parks, the Audi is always at the back, take over, and comes out (of the condo),” said Rafizi when commenting on the video as it plays.

He also claimed that in a picture of Nedim’s child looking out the Vellfire’s window purportedly tweeted by his wife, the distorted reflection of a car on the van’s body is “clearly” a green Audi.

“With the disclosure of these videos, we are very certain that we have proven that the Hummer is used very exclusively by the family.

“It is up to Nazri or his son Nedim whether they want to deny or confirm that their family have benefited directly from a businessperson who was investigated on corruption allegations.

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