
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 26, 2012

If it ain't broke, why do we need so much fixing?

YOURSAY 'Najib, why the need for so many national transformation programmes? Like you say: Why fix it if it is not broken?'

Umno-BN's five reasons for wanting big mandate

your sayAnonymous #43051382: Premier Najib Abdul Razak, why the need for so many national transformation programmes? Like you say: "Why fix it if it is not broken?"

This clearly shows that "it is broken" and we dare say that it is broken beyond repair.

The best thing to do now is to have a regime change for a better Malaysia. You have five reasons, but Malaysians have a few hundred reasons why BN must be voted out from Putrajaya.

Kit P: On the contrary, it is Pakatan Rakyat which has come out with big-canvas ideas on the change that the country needs.

Najib is just passing around RM500 cash - and calling it "transformation".

Pakatan-administered states in Penang and Selangor have shown solid track records in governance in just four short years.

Clever Voter: Najib can go on making pledges that doesn't mean a thing. He is now Umno's chief of propaganda.

Look at what they have done to destroy the fabric of unity - quality of education, racist policies that are part of institutionalised policies and practices, widening of the income gap, and the worst, enriching themselves with citizens' the hard-earned money.

Seriously does he care? We doubt it.

Anonymous #33877536: In education, there must be merit and equality. You cannot discriminate when it comes to education.

Don't talk about quota in education. Give due attention to all kids with merit, be it bumiputera or non-bumiputera.

Can you do that Umno? But Umno will never, and cannot, change its ways even if the premier is strongly embracing change.

Don't forget the little Napoleons? Will they accept his ideas? After all, Najib is not going to be in Umno forever.

Bumiasli: When a manager cannot bring results to an organisation, the company needs to replace him.

Organisations which keep such managers finally end up running the business the ground due to mismanagement and heavy losses.

There is no such thing as proving one's performance after so many years of failure. So Najib must be prepared to either step down or be replaced to prevent the country's doom.

Onyourtoes: It is funny; the undisputed BN-Umno achievements to me are:

1. How to come up with devious projects and privatisation schemes to siphon public money.

2. How to solicit bribes in the most sophisticated way.

3. How to promote more monopolies and create more distortions in the economy to benefit the cronies.

4. How to create NGOs which are in actual fact quasi-political apparatus of Umno-BN.

5. How to promote ‘ketuanan' (supremacy) and indoctrinate the people through publicly-funded agencies like Biro Tatanegara (BTN), Special Affairs Department (Jasa) and Volunteers Corps (Rela).

6. How to use national security agencies from immigration, police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to Attorney-General's Chambers (AG) to harass, persecute and prosecute political opponents. Just to list a few.

Voice: The two-thirds mandate from the people has been given to BN at most previous general elections with one almost saw the near wipe-out of the opposition - what happened since then?

BN became more arrogant and evil, the people continue to be oppressed, corruption and crony enrichment has become more rampant, the national debt increased and the list goes on.

How are you going to expect us to give you a further mandate when you have not changed and even became worse after the last general election?

Malaysians Are Not Stupid: Of course, BN under the able leadership of Najib have plenty of ideas to bring to Malaysia.

Among the brilliant ideas are the Plus highways, Petronas Twin Towers, Automatic Enforcement System (AES), Putrajaya and many, many more that succeeded in creating many filthy rich cronies and families in Malaysia.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's family is among the richest in Malaysia. How did they become so rich in less than one generation? Of course, it is due to the brilliant policies of the BN government.

-_-': Najib said as a government, Umno and BN have moral strength and where every promise made was achieved, and no promises which could not be fulfilled, were made.

Third bridge in Klang, anyone? Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Anonymous_3e68: Or like allowing Lynas into the country and impeding the march of Himpunan Hijau? - Malaysiakini

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