
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 9, 2012

Mahathir Mohamad and Marshitah Ibrahim

Two statements during the week caught my attention. (1) The retort from Dr Mahathir at reporters who linked PETRONAS to his children’s wealth. (2)  Dr Marshitah’s statement on kafir harbi.

Dr Mahathir can tell off reporters in his usual mocking and sarcasm laden rebuttals; he is the 80 year-old man who sits on the sideway, pinches young girls booty as they walk past by,  but laughed off simply and tolerably as an amusing dirty old man. He is tolerated because he is just that- a dirty old man out to amuse himself.

Of course Dr Mahathir instructed PETRONAS to favor his children. That is how UMNO works. He is advisor to PETRONAS. He led negotiations on PETRONAS’s marginal oilfields that resulted in Kencana and Sapura getting the first deals. The first cut is the deepest. PETRONAS is our national oil company but Petron (belonging to Mirzan Mahathir) gets to supply Jet A1 to our national air carrier. PETRONAS with its trading with Vitol and extensive oil trading network cannot supply Jet A1 to MAS? Petron can cut better deals with Vitol  and other oil traders than PETRONAS?

Then there is Ustazah Marshitah. The religious academician who could not get along with her neighbor because of a dispute over a common wall fence. In 2008 she was ready to cross over to the opposition had she not been selected to stand. Now, she has made a judgment call- it is all right to brand DAP as kafir harbi because DAP opposes Islam. Ustazah Marshitah must not stop there- she and all the rest of UMNO Mullahs must order the execution of all unrepentant infidels- kafir harbis. Is not the blood of the kafir harbi permitted to be spilled? The DAP people especially.

Marshitah Ibrahim thinks she speaks to a barren audience consisting of simpletons and village idiots. Obviously she has been spending a lot of time with UMNO members.

She must sue for the same treatments on all those who have desecrated Islam including all the UMNO leaders who presently or in the past, mocked and ridiculed the religion. Those who mock and ridicule are even worse than outright non-believers. Especially the UMNO President, a Malay and a Muslim who sat indifferently while Soi Lek besmirches his religion.

How could they have done that if they have not harbored contempt towards Islam in their bosoms? She must not missed out Chua Soi Lek and the Nyonya who goes on record saying the Islamists will go on rampage raping thigh revealing and armpit exposing ahmoys.

As a general response to Mahathir’s sarcasm, we have this message to the rich and infamous who got to that station because they are the sons or daughters of those who misused power; When Pakatan comes into power, we will put the fear of God in all those corrupt and rapacious people. We will reserve the best seats for you in Bamboo River Resort.

The best approach is to put someone without the historical baggage of personal relationships with those bloodsucking leeches in charge of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Its mission is to look into discrepancies and possible excesses. We will do a proper auditing on the most prized asset which the country has in the name of one Nazri Aziz. We must not fritter away the value of this asset must we?

The money lenders need not flee the temple as did the moneylenders during Roosevelt’s presidency. Here, Malaysians with our eastern values treat our assets respectfully.  The UMNO, MCA and MIC Antonios need not fear anything. We, the conscientious Shylocks will demand exactly our one pound of flesh and ensure the scales will not turn on even the estimation of a hair and will make doubly sure; we shall have only our one pound of flesh excluding the blood.

The biggest moneylenders, the Mirzans, the Mokhzanis, the Badawis, the YTLs, the Anandas, the Fernandeses, the Nedims, the Michael Chias, the Azman Mokhtars, the Rozalis, the Hilmis and all those skull-capped pious people at Tabung Haji need not fear. We shall have our one Kilogram of flesh, nothing more but nothing less either. We will audit whether it cost RM700 million to install the 831 AES cameras. How much did it cost the government to buy the more than 3000 cameras now with our Police?

Of course we will look into PETRONAS. Of course we want to know the rationale and the pressures applied to PETRONAS when forced to take over Mirzan’s failing shipping business; we want to know whether PETRONAS overpaid him such that years later, he was able to buy stakes in San Miguel. You motorists be careful when buying Petron fuel, your vehicles can get drunk using its fuels.

We want to know, how was it that Kencana and Sapura got the first bites in PETRONAS’s marginal oil fields. There is so much to know about PETRONAS. We will assess whether Mahathir is as good as people say when he presides over PETRONAS. We will judge him accordingly. And we will be mindful of the reminder from the Oracle of Syed Putra who said that history will judge Mahathir on corruption.

All Malaysians are eager to finally place PETRONAS answerable to our parliament. It’s the Pandora’s Box which has intrigued so many Malaysians who want to know how our oil money has been applied.

We want to know of the billions collected by the government since 1974. Recently Chua Jui Meng asked about the existence of our Petroleum Trust Fund. What happened to it? Norway, where they have oil in the North Sea, has an oil fund known as Norway Pension Fund which stands at US$656 billion or RM2 trillion. UAE-Abu Dhabi Investment Authority’s oil-revenue sovereign wealth fund is at US$627 billion or RM1.9 trillion. Almost all oil producing countries have established their own oil funds for their peoples’ future but not Malaysia.

In 2011 PETRONAS reported it had given the government a total of RM 529 billion since 1974.  RM136.5 billion was paid out as subsidies to TNB and IPPs. Starting from the 2007 financial year, PETRONAS gave RM61 billion a year on average to the government. PETRONAS pays as high as 53% of its profits as dividends to the government. As a comparison, foreign oil companies give on average 38% of their profits to their respective governments.

Under advisor Mahathir, PETRONAS is often used as the lender of last resort. In 1985, it bailed out BBMB for RM2.5 billion. In 1991, it gave another RM1 billion to BBMB. Despite the capital injection, CIMB is erased and then came CIMB.

And of course who could forget that PETRONAS had in 1977, through MISC bailed out Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad for RM2 billion. Of course Mahathir asked PETRONAS to enrich his children.

PETRONAS money underwrote the construction of the PETRONAS Twin Towers because Mahathir must have his erections. It cost PETRONAS RM6.0 billion. PETRONAS spent nearly RM22.0 billion to construct Mahathir’s Babylon- Putrajaya.

The Petition Writers (aka mainstream media) have not gone beyond the standards of Kadir Jasin and Jocelyn Tan. 

Posted by sakmongkol AK47 

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