
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, November 18, 2012

Make No Mistake, PAS Has Only ONE Objective

Despite all attempts to portray itself as a party for all Malaysians regardless of faith, PAS’ true colours have surfaced again.
In what appears to be a chest-beating radical Islamist battle cry, PAS Information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has urged party members to attend the upcoming Muktamar likening the event to a Jihadist battlefield for the victory of Islam.
In a BM Harakah report titled “Muktamar: Medan jihad untuk menangkan Islam” dated 14.11.2012, Tuan Ibrahim was quoted as saying (of the Muktamar) “Jadikan ia medan meningkatkan semangat jihad dalam meneruskan usaha memenangkan perjuangan Islam di Malaysia.” [Translation: “Make it (the Muktamar) a battlefield to increase the jihadist spirit in pursuing efforts to win the Islamist struggle in Malaysia”].
In the English version of the Harakah report, Tuan Ibrahim advised party members as follows:
“Like a neatly-erected building, we fight from a strong garrison. Don’t get distracted by voices on the left and right to stall the victory of Islam.”
Make no mistake, PAS may try colouring their intentions a harmless orange through the Buku Jingga but if they ever take Putrajaya, the only colour you will see is the Islamist green.
By the way, the Oxford Dictionary defines jihad as “a war or struggle against unbelievers.”
- Stop The Lies

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