
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Najib burns himself with 'magic wand' aimed to control Umno's UNCONTROLLABLE WARLORDS!

Najib burns himself with 'magic wand' aimed to control Umno's UNCONTROLLABLE WARLORDS!
Few in UMNO were surprised when Prime Minister Najib Razak recently announced the formation of a special committee to take charge of 'sabotage issues' within the intrigue-filled party. The message from Najib, who is the UMNO president, was clear - any member caught sabotaging his or her colleagues especially those contesting seats in the coming general election would be SACKED!
Now, is such a message anything new in UMNO? Not at all. Face it, the infighting in UMNO is common knowledge and widespread from the lowest level to the topmost hierarchies. Even the top UMNO leaders admit that sabotage in their party is real and frightening. Envy, rivalry and disgruntlement are often cited by many including former party president Mahathir Mohamad as being among the main reasons why UMNO and its BN coalition lost so many seats in the 12th general election.
Political 'livelihood' at stake
So why the big brouhaha? What is Najib trying to achieve with such a threat, who is he trying to scare and who are these mysterious saboteurs he wants to cow?
Actually, most of those in UMNO who have the ability and means to wreak internal havoc are the established leaders with their own grass root supporters. They know the 'ins and outs' of UMNO politics, and hence, pose a real threat to Najib. If they feel their own political livelihood is being threatened, they will definitely sabotage him and their own party because they have so much to lose.
But are they not afraid of being sacked? The answer is - not in the least bit! Some are even publicly, although indirectly, telling Najib - 'Sack if you dare!' If they cannot get what they want, then they won’t let Najib have what he wants too! That's rule no.1 in UMNO.
However, for the time being, it seems that the tussle between Najib and his critics from within UMNO is in stalemate. But if the issue - which actually is all about who gets to contest in G13 remain unresolved - it will definitely turn sour and backfire badly on Najib.
Muhyiddin quick to jump in
His deputy Muhyiddin Yassin, whom many believe will challenge Najib for the presidency, has been quick to jump into the fray, saying that it was necessary to define what constituted sabotage as well as make known the type of punishment that would be meted out to guilty parties.
Muhyiddin also stressed that sacking should only be done upon finding concrete proof. Now, this really raised eyebrows. To many UMNO watchers, Muhyiddin was once again publicly challenging Najib - 'prove it... if you can'.
According to UMNO pundits, an uneasy compromise has since been reached that apart from defining what would be regarded as sabotage, furnishing proof, any sacking should be carried out only after the 13th general election.
Foolish to imagine he could control the warlords
To be fair, Najib brought on this problem for himself. Infighting and sabotage have always existed in UMNO but now with the stakes so high, it has become even worse. It did not help that Najib had maneuvered to secure a mandate from party delegates to be the final decision-maker on who should be the UMNO candidates. This mandate alone has ratcheted up party infighting by several folds.
But Najib had been foolish enough to believe that such a 'green light' would enable him to ride roughshod over fractious warlords and replace them with his own men.
His naivete has indeed cost him the opportunity to call for a quick GE13 as well as exposed him to members' wrath at the coming UMNO assembly. UMNO warlords have not only staged a fierce fightback but are now even publicly thumbing their nose at him and his cousin Hishammuddin Hussein, the UMNO vice president and Home Minister.
Lip service
To head off further animosity against himself and his camp, Najib has assured that since the UMNO party polls will be held after GE13, most of those chosen to contest for seats in the Parliament and state assemblies would be from the present set up.
But this is only lip service to pacify those who fear that they will not be selected them because of their affiliations with other top UMNO leaders, who may not be 'that close' with the Najib camp. To be precise, those who fear they may be sidelined are those who support Mahathir, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, former premier Abdullah Badawi or Kelantan prince Tengku Razaleigh. These are all watching Najib closely.
It is an undeniable fact that as far as possible Najib will want to field all of his people. Najib also knows it is good strategy to make sure that those who are their own men like Tengku Razaleigh are retained in the UMNO-BN lineup - partly to prevent them from cooperating with the Opposition and partly to ensure he retains their goodwill, if not loyalty.
Many incumbents especially in Sabah including unpopular Chief Minister Musa Aman will also be retained to stop them from joining the Opposition.
But is that enough to keep everyone in a good mood and the BN a 'happy family'. Given that the majority of UMNO-BN leaders have become so  pampered and accustomed to bountiful largesse through the decades, it is highly unlikely. A mandate to decide who gets to contest in GE13 is no magic wand indeed. It is more like possessing a piece of paper to contain a FIRE!
Malaysia Chronicle


  1. pembangkang yang sengaja nak kaitkan mereka. nak kelirukan rakyat.

  2. ‘Warlords’, or those under the impression they were powerful in the party, especially at divisional-level, no longer existed in Umno, said its Supreme Council member, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin.

  3. under Umno president and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, party leaders who often went down to the grassroots were seen able to cooperate well.

  4. This is the difference seen today, as the term (warlord) no longer crops up. Now, I feel there are no more such leaders at the division levels as all are really going down (to the grassroots)..

  5. Prior to this, the so-called warlords who were unhappy with the party leadership’s choice of candidates, were said to have been the cause of the political tsunami at the 12th General Election (GE) in 2008, which saw four states fall to the opposition.

  6. "Berbekalkan dokumen-dokumen kes saman Hong Leong Finance Bhd. (Hong Leong Finance) dengan Low Thiam Hoe dan kes saman balas oleh Thiam Hoe terhadap Hong Leong, LHG Capital Markets Sdn Bhd dan Seow Lun Hoo, blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) membongkar satu lagi operasi gelap yang mengaitkan nama Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersama taikun Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan."

  7. Kes saman yang membabitkan pinjaman bersindiket berjumlah RM445 juta itu sedang dibicarakan di Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

  8. Dalam perkara 4, salah satu dokumen yang dimuat turun oleh RPK di lamannya, malaysia-today.net antara lainnya menyebut, “Dua defenden adalah Hamzah Harun dan Mohd Faiz Abdullah mewakili Arus Murni Sdn Bhd yang secara prinsipnya mewakili Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Menteri Kewangan) dan Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan (Pengerusi Eksekutif Hong Leong Finance)”

  9. Pada tahun 1993, ketika Anwar mengambil alih jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri selepas menyingkirkan Ghafar Baba ramai berpendapat inilah salah satu pemilihan UMNO yang paling terkotor. Sesetengah berpendapat sebanyak RM200 juta telah dibelanjakan untuk menggulingkan Ghaffar

  10. “Walau bagiamanapun, apa sahaja angka, ia adalah dalam angka beratus-ratus juta. Namun, ramai yang tidak tahu, dan topik utama perdebatan : Dari mana Anwar mendapatkan sumber kewangan tersebut ?”

  11. RPK mendedahkan sebagai Menteri Kewangan, Anwar dikelilingi taikon-taikon Cina yang saling bersaing antara satu sama lain, antaranya Tan Sri Dato Vincent Tan Chee Yiou, Tan Sri Dato Khoo Kay Peng dan Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan.

    Khoo Kay Peng adalah pemilik Kwong Lee Bank Berhad yang kemudiannya ditukar nama kepada Malayan United Bank Berhad (MUI Bank).

  12. Bisik-bisik politik menyebut pada masa itu Vincent Tan telah diberitahu supaya ‘berundur sebab Anwar mahukan bank itu’. Sebagai hamba yang taat, Vincent Tan berundur untuk memberi ruang kepada Quek Leng Chan mengambil alih bank itu.

    “Tetapi Vincent Tan tidak berundur dengan tangan kosong. Sebagai pampasan, beliau telah dibenarkan menjalankan ‘cabutan bertuah’ Sports Toto, projek kroni Anwar yang juga rakan tenisnya, S. Nallakaruppan. Cabutan bertuah Sports Toto adalah pendapatan lumayan aliran wang tunai yang mencukupi untuk menampung ‘dana pemilihan’ UMNO. Dikatakan bahawa inilah permulaan hubungan antara Anwar dan Nalla, aliran tunai cabutan bertuah (Sports Toto)”, kata RPK.

  13. pada 24 Mac 1997, satu pinjaman bersindiket berjumlah RM420 juta telah diperolehi di bawah lapan orang penama, yang kesemuanya bertindak sebagai ‘calon’ untuk orang-orang tertentu – RM420 juta adalah jumlah pinjaman asal dengan tambahan RM25 juta yang diberikan kepada Faiz Abdullah untuk menampung faedah tertunggak.

    Pemberi pinjaman sindiket tersebut adalah Hong Leong Finance, Sime Bank Berhad, BSN Commercial Bank (Malaysia) Berhad dan DCB Bank Berhad.

    Manakala pemudahcara pinjaman tersebut adalah Hong Leong Finance Berhad dan HLG Capital Markets Sdn Bhd.

    Tujuan pinjaman adalah untuk membeli saham-saham Inchcape Timuran dan Kewangan Bersatu Berhad (KBB) atau Kewangan Usaha Bersatu Berhad (KUBB)

    KBB dimiliki oleh Ishak Ismail, kroni Anwar yang mengawal Idris Hydraulic dan Bendahari Umno Pulau Pinang di mana ketika itu Anwar merupakan pengerusi UMNO negeri itu.

    “Wang RM420 juta telah diluluskanr tetapi pengambilalihan KBB tidak pernah berlaku. Jadi apa yang berlaku kepada wang tersebut ? “, soal RPK.

  14. Anwar yang bercita-cita mahu menumbangkan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad perlu menyingkirkan Ghaffar Baba terlebih dahulu, jika belanja RM200 juta untuk menumbangkan Ghaffar, maka kos yang lebih besar perlu diperolehi untuk menumbangkan Dr Mahathir.

    Kata RPK, hanya dengan ‘wang rakyat’ dan kroni-kroninya merupakan jalan terbaik Anwar menumbangkan Dr Mahathir, maka tidak hairan, Anwar memperkayakan kroni-kroninya termasuk Tong Kooi Ong, Chan Ah Chye, TK Lim, Kamaruddin Jaafar, Ishak Ismail dan lain-lain.

  15. “Seorang individu yang bertaruh besar bahawa Anwar akan menjadi Perdana Menteri selepas menyingkirkan Dr Mahathir adalah Quek Leng Chan. Individu yang sama yang mendapat kedudukan di bank di bawah pemerhatian Anwar.

    “Ketika Anwar dan Quek melaksanakan perancangan operasi mereka, pelaksana sebenar diberikan kepada Nazri Abdullah, panglima (warlord) Anwar yang sekarang ini menetap di London (dan salah satu keuntungan RM600 juta daripada MBO Media) dan Seow Lun Hoo adalah panglima Quek.

    “Rundingan dengan Inchcape Timuran diuruskan oleh Seow bersama Faiz Abdullah, kroni Anwar dan peguam yang juga bertindak sebagai penulis ucapan Anwar sama seperti Dr Munawar Anees, individu yang kemudiannya dipenjarakan selama enam bulan kerana membenarkan Anwar meliwatnya”, katanya.

  16. Pendedahan RPK berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen mahkamah itu merupakan tip of the iceberg daripada pendedahan bekas Penolong Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid pada Oktober 1999.

    Abdul Murad dalam Akuan Berkanun yang diikrarkan di depan Pesuruhjaya Sumpah di sini pada 26 Oktober 1999 berkata Anwar Ibrahim mengawal 20 Akaun Induk (Master Accounts) yang diuruskan oleh kroni-kroninya membabitkan aset, saham dan wang bernilai lebih RM3 bilion.

  17. Abdul Murad, membacakan Akuan Berkanun beliau itu pada sidang akhbar yang diadakan di Hotel Grand Olimpic dengan nada kesal mengakui bahawa beliau juga ialah salah seorang kroni yang menguruskan akaun induk milik Anwar.

    Bagaimanapun, beliau mendakwa terpaksa melaksanakan arahan-arahan Anwar seperti mengatur pinjaman-pinjaman bank dalam jumlah beratus-ratus juta ringgit untuk kroni-kroni lain walaupun ini bertentangan dengan undang-undang “kerana sebagai Menteri Kewangan dia akan cincang saya jika arahan-arahan tersebut tidak dilaksanakan”.

  18. Beliau juga mengaku memperkenalkan seorang lelaki Cina bernama Tong Kooi Ong juga terlibat dalam memberi bantuan kewangan kepada Anwar.

    Tong ialah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) Phileo Allied Berhad, sebuah syarikat yang tersenarai di papan utama BSKL. Phileo Allied Bank berada di bawah kawalan Tong.

    Anwar mengarahkan Tong supaya mengambil Shamsidar Taharin dan seorang lagi yang bernama Rahman bekerja dengan banknya.

    Shamsidar ialah isteri kepada Azmin Ali, bekas Setiausaha Sulit kepada Anwar.

  19. Kata Abdul Murad: “Adalah diketahui dengan meluas bahawa Shamsidar dibayar gaji yang tinggi dan disediakan dengan sebuah kereta dan pemandu dan pada kebanyakan masa dia tidak perlu pergi bekerja.”

    Pengakuan bersumpah itu juga menyebut Anwar mengarahkan Abdul Murad membantu kumpulan bekas Ketua Pengarang Berita Harian, Datuk Nazri Abdullah untuk mengambil alih Kumpulan New Straits Times daripada Renong.

  20. Beliau juga telah diarahkan oleh Anwar untuk membantu Faiz Abdullah, seorang penulis teks ucapan Anwar yang juga salah seorang peguam bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu, untuk mendapatkan pinjaman bank berjumlah lebih RM400 juta untuk membeli Kewangan Usaha Bersatu Berhad (KUBB).

    Pada masa itu KUBB dimiliki oleh Idris Hydraulic Berhad. Skim itu melibatkan penggunaan Arus Murni Berhad yang sebelum itu dikenali sebagai Timuran Berhad, sebuah syarikat yang disenaraikan di papan utama BSKL sebagai syarikat pemegang.


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