
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nazri and Nedim - like father, like son

YOURSAY 'If you are really that useless as minister, why did Michael Chia give his Hummer to your son and not to a son of a taxi driver?'

Transcript: Why Nazri is not worried 

your sayPink Floyd: De facto law minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, the way you talk and respond to this scandal, you are no better than the man on the street.

Not only is your response illogical and uncalled for, it smacks of arrogance. If your behaviour is so unrefined, so then must be your son. Like father, like son indeed.

Tholu: How is it that when top government leaders are confronted with scandals involving their family members, they suddenly claim no knowledge of their private life and dealings?

Wouldn't they be interested to know if their family members are committing vices, criminal acts and sins and enthusiastically pursue them as a way of life?

Can we be regarded as a good parent or spouse if we show no interest and do not bother what they are involved in and what they are doing?

Asamko: Nazri, why go into a tantrum and display the arrogance of a 'ruling regime'. We know that you're not gay and that you don't sleep with your son. Neither is your son gay as he has a wife nor does he sleep with you.

What the rakyat want to see is that you're an upright minister with no conflict of interest. We also want to see you as a responsible father who ensures that his son does not take advantage of the situation to ride on timber trader Michael Chia's back.

Are these questions so difficult to answer? Why again deflect the issue to Anwar Ibrahim's sex video when its authenticity was doubtful?

It is such behaviour as yours and Umno leaders like Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and Noh Omar and many others that the rakyat are fearful of a very strong BN.

Truth1: Nazri, your young son drives around in a half-million-riggit Hummer and you are not aware or even bothered where he got it from?

Or do you mean to say that as a minister you have accumulated so much wealth that your son owning a RM500,000 Hummer doesn't make you even blink?

The Mask: If you ask a psychologist to analyse Nazri's answers, he would conclude that the minister was pissing in his pants and shitting bricks.

Nazri said the allegation doesn't bother him a bit and argued that he didn't screw his son - it must be like a furnace burning inside him waiting to explode.

Hornbill Will Soar: Nazri is in full display. It's not that he chose wealth over wisdom, it's just that wisdom is beyond him.

ACR: Was he drunk when he gave this interview? This is the quality of a BN minister associated with Lincoln's Inn. Shouldn't we all be ashamed that we have such calibre as our leaders all these decades?

Nazri is just one of many like-minded individuals in Umno. When cornered, the 'jambu' nonsense rears its ugly head. Rafizi is coming for you, Nazri, and we don't care whether he plays the clarinet or piano.

Jesse: His arrogance is demonstrated all over his answers. His contempt for the rakyat is clear - you can't touch me as I am powerful and important. Blame everyone else.

The rakyat deserves better in government. This is the type of crass MPs and ministers we now have in Parliament.

Starr: Of course, Nazri is not worried because in Umno there is such a thing as 'you help me, I help you'.

In advance democratic countries, public officials are required to maintain their 'independence' and to maintain their independence, not only they must act and behave independently but also must be seen of doing so.

Here, public perception is of critical importance. Having links with a man who is the subject of allegations of corruption and money laundering effectively puts the public official concerned in a compromising position.

To deny any conflict of interest is unbecoming of a senior minister. But then, in Malaysia such unethical behaviour has become acceptable, it's almost part of our political culture.

What reform is PM Najib Razak trumpeting about? Reformation starts from the ministers themselves, who should set a good example. Nazri's denial is hardly a good example, sad to say.

Onyourtoes: Nazri, I wish it is that simple - that your job in Parliament is to read the answers given to you. If that is the case, why do we call you the de facto law minister?

Why then do we pay you ministerial-level salary with all the perks thrown in when we just need a recorder and press "play" in the Parliament?

If you are really that useless, why did Michael Chia give his Hummer to your son and not to a son of a taxi driver?

P Dev Anand Pillai: The sad point is many in the Malay community enjoy this kind of remarks and banter. Many will still vote for leaders who have no qualms about flaunting their wealth and are boastful about it.

So it is all about the Malaysian electorate - if they have been dumb for the past 55 years, then they might probably be for the next 55.

The education system now ensures that they will be mental pygmies forever. So this arrogance comes from our ignorance and dumbness for voting them into power continuously without fail.

Penang Mari: Like father like son - the father a thug in the parliament, and the son a thug on the streets. - Malaysiakini

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