
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, November 9, 2012

No compulsion in religion, it is facts!

In the recent news report it was mentioned that PKR vice president and member of parliament for Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar had said that there should be no compulsion in religion even for the Malays.

Then, the very next day, an Umno-owned newspaper, Utusan Melayu quickly twisted her statement by saying that Nurul has called on the Malays to leave their religion. Did Nurul really said that? Has she ever mention in public calling on the Malays to leave their religion? What basis does Utusan has to allege or assume that her statements represents what has been claimed "Malays should leave their religion"?

So, who actually terrorised the entire situation here? Yes, it was the Umno leaders, their own newspapers and their heavily funded NGOs who are doing all those nasty work around in order to provoke hatred and violence.

Actually, what has Nurul mentioned was based on the fact that she had indeed referred to the Al-Quran's Surah Al-Baqarah verse 2:56 which clearly states, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things".

In this case, what she had said was based on the Quran itself and not of her own. Then, what is the big fuss? Why is Umno and Utusan so worried that with her words or statement would eventually affect the faith of the Malays in Islam? Umno and Utusan are both saying that Malays would soon be carried away from Islam. In such terms, that means both Umno and Utusan are looking down at the Malay community which they claim to represent. The Malays are being insulted by Umno and Utusan who both view this community as weak in their faith.

Even an educated ruler had eventually mistook the entire situation just because of Utusan and Umno leaders' provocation. What next? The police are now going after all those who had commented Nurul's statement in support for the later's innocence. The authorities had targeted Nurul, then they are going after Malaysiakini and now they are looking for a news portal's commentator who wrote an article in support of Nurul.

Why didn't the authorities go after the actual culprits, Umno and Utusan Melayu for provoking and terrorising the entire situation into a hate and revengeful event? Has the authorities or even the police open up theQuran and examine its contents to confirm the validity of what Nurul had referred to earlier? Or are they just going after someone for the sake of Umno and Utusan?

To the police, we urge them to stop playing politics and wasting the taxpayers' money and focus on fighting crimes which is currently on the rise. And for Umno and Utusan,, if you are twisting the facts, is that Islamic? Do you all regard yourselves as Islamic while you are cordoning into carrying out bad deeds?

Think about it!

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