
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 19, 2012

PBS preparing for Pairin’s last stand

If Pairin gives up public service, the Kadazandusuns could pick someone with a family connection to take over.
PENAMPANG: There’s a certain nervousness in the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) ranks in the run-up to next week’s three-day party congress. It could well be the final one for its founder, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, at least as president.
With others in the party hierarchy expected to either shore up their positions or jockey for them, the congress is also expected to be closely monitored by many in the state hoping for a hint of what course the party will take.
Drafts of Pairin’s policy speech are being vetted by the top leadership, said sources who revealed that it focuses on pressing issues facing Sabah, such as the illegal immigrants, preparations for the general election and eventual change of leadership.
But Pairin, now 72, could still deviate from the text and shock members and supporters of the party, Umno’s staunchest ally in the Sabah Barisan Nasional coalition government.
While few outside PBS have commented on the Nov 20-22 congress yet, many within the party are expecting a bit of drama.
They remember the theatrics at the Umno general assembly several years ago when Dr Mahathir Mohamad caused a sensation by announcing he was stepping down as party president, causing many to break down in tears and beg him not to withdraw his resignation. As it turned out, he relented after shedding a few tears himself.
A similar outbreak of emotion could happen at the iconic Hongkod Koisaan hall next week if Pairin does something similar.
Pairin founded PBS in 1985. After helming the state government for nine years, he was deposed from his post as chief minister in 1994 by the current government and was state opposition leader for several years until the party was re-admitted into the BN in 2002.
He is now one of Chief Minister Musa Aman’s deputies and has been the MP for Keningau and state representative for Tambunan uninterruptedly since 1976. He is also Huguan Siou or paramount chief of the Kadazandusun people, taking over the honorific position from former chief minister Fuad Stephens who was killed in an air crash in 1976.
Pairin is also president of the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA), a position that gives him absolute control of community affairs.
In turmoil
Several months ago, however, he set in motion plans to retire from politics by announcing that this coming 13th general election would be the last he would contest.
Some say the decision was prompted by the gradual loss of support for the party by his own people and was his way of delaying a revolt against him. Others say his family circle has been pressuring him to retreat from active politics after this congress.
Pairin could take a middle path by relinquishing the parliamentary seat of Keningau and only contesting the Tambunan state seat. That would be welcome news for his younger brother Jeffrey, who is in the opposition and is eager to stand in Keningau and possibly the Bingkor state seat.
Sources say that Pairin has opted to officiate at the party’s youth and women’s wing meetings tomorrow (Nov 20), something that is a bit unusual. His deputy was usually tasked with these duties in the past in keeping with the protocol of other political parties.
It could yet be his way to gauge the party’s maturity at all levels.
PBS information chief, Johnny Mositun, said the youth and women’s wing meetings will be held on the first day of the congress, while the official opening of the congress will be held the following day in the afternoon followed by the party’s traditional Unity Night or “Malam Bersatu”.
The congress proper only takes place on the final day on Nov 22 with the focus being on Pairin’s two speeches – his policy speech in the morning and a closing speech in the evening.
According to party insiders, Pairin was asked to stay and contest in the coming general election by all members of his supreme council including his top four potential heirs – deputy presidents, Maximus Ongkili, Dr Yee Moh Chai, Almudin Kaida and secretary-general Henrynus Amin.
But not all are worried about the prospect of losing Pairin. At least one of the senior leaders was not very “enthusiastic”, as one source put it, to join the chorus of people urging their president to stay.
Declining to reveal who the person was, the source said that he could be manoeuvring for the post- Musa-Pairin period and appears to be in Shafie Apdal’s camp.
PBS members are also wary of the potent threat to PBS seats in the coming election from Jeffrey who was also a founder of PBS in 1985.
Jeffrey to benefit
If Pairin retreats from public service, the Kadazandusuns could well favour someone with a family connection to take over. Jeffrey’s State Reform Party or STAR has reportedly already drawn away support from PBS in many constituencies.
While PBS leaders will not admit it, there are claims that some party branches and divisions are suddenly having a problem attracting the minimum number of members to hold their meetings including annual general meetings.
Some say that in many of the party’s divisional AGMs this year, fewer than 200 people turned up unlike before PBS rejoined the BN when the turnout would number well over 500.
Many disaffected former supporters and members have reportedly quietly joined STAR which claims a membership of over 170,000 in a mere 10 months of its existence in the state.
The disenfranchised natives empathise with Jeffrey who they view as having borne the humiliation and hardship of imprisonment for almost three years under the now repealed Internal Security Act while Pairin and PBS reaped the benefits.
Party supporters have not discounted the possibility of Pairin being humiliated in the coming election even if he wins as it could be by a diminishing majority.
A local political pundit who requested anonymity said: “There is nothing more that Pairin can do now than he could not have done in his peak year. PBS should see itself post-Pairin era, but it just cannot shake away its mentality that PBS is Pairin and Pairin is PBS.”


  1. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) tidak pernah berganjak daripada matlamat asalnya untuk menyuarakan isu-isu berkaitan kepentingan rakyat di negeri .

    1. PBS still and will always be relevant to Sabahans.

    2. PBS tetap menjadi pilihan rakyat Sabah.

    3. Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, pengasas dan presiden Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam politik Sabah.

    4. Suasana relatif tenang di Sabah dalam tempoh 10 tahun lepas, yang sebelum itu terkenal sebagai negeri yang sering dilanda pergolakan politik.

    5. Sebahagian besarnya adalah hasil daripada keikhlasan beliau dalam membawa kembali PBS ke pangkuan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada 2002 setelah PBS meninggalkan gabungan parti pemerintah itu pada 1990.

    6. Sejarah Pairin memang banyak yang kita dapat lihat. Kekuatan sokongan kepada parti PBS juga adalah hasil daripada semangat dari ketua parti itu. Pairin meninggalkan Parti Berjaya untuk menubuhkan PBS dan tidak sampai sebulan selepas itu, parti berkenaan menumbangkan kerajaan negeri yang diterajui Parti Berjaya pada pilihan raya 1985.

    7. Pairin menyandang jawatan Ketua Menteri Sabah selama sembilan tahun. Tapi sekarang Datuk Pairin bersatu dengan BN. Kenapa? Sebab Pairin percaya yang mana kerajaan BN ini mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada Sabah.

    8. Kepimpinan bijaksana Pairin, pada 2002, PBS kembali diterima menganggotai BN. Dalam BN sehingga kehari ini PBS tetap berjuang bersama dengan BN.

    9. Pairin dilantik sebagai timbalan ketua menteri, jawatan yang disandangnya hingga kini. Nampak sangat yang mana datuk Pairin ini benar-benar diperlukan untuk memastikan kepentingan rakyat akan dapat diperjuangkan.

    10. Pairin, yang juga Huguan Siou (pemimpin tertinggi) masyarakat Kadazandusun Murut, dianggap melakar pencapaian cemerlang, khususnya dalam bidang politik.

    11. KETUA BERNAMA berkata tiada seorang pun ahli politik Sabah, yang melakar impak begitu besar di negeri ini, selain Pairin.

    12. Beliau adalah seorang pemimpin dan pejuang politik, malah seorang ahli politik budiman, yang bermain politik mengikut peraturannya, hasil latihan yang diterimanya sebagai peguam. PBS, sebagai komponen utama dalam kerajaan negeri, terus berpengaruh seperi biasa

  2. Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan berkata, rakyat Sabah sendiri boleh menilai prestasi parti itu termasuk perjuangan untuk mendapatkan Suruhanjaya Diraja (RCI) mengenai kebanjiran PTI di negeri ini.

    1. Siapakah punca kemasukan PATI yang berganda jumlahnya?

    2. The PATI problem started since Tun Mustapha's era if not mistaken.

    3. Awal awal lagi Datuk Pairin sudah minta kebenaran untuk mewujudkan RCI, siapa yang menolaknya pada 1994?

    4. PBS tidak pernah berputus asa untuk memperjuangkan masalah PATI di Sabah.

    5. Kalau bukan bantahan bekas TPM pada masa itu, sudah lama RCI dapat diwujudkan untuk menangani masalah PATI.

    6. Salahkan DSAI dalam isu penangguhan RCI kita.

  3. perjuangan parti itu sejak 1985 tidak pernah berubah dan ia tetap disuarakan sehingga kini.

  4. Many disaffected former supporters and members have reportedly quietly joined STAR which claims a membership of over 170,000 in a mere 10 months of its existence in the state.

    Kami menantikan sejauh mana STAR boleh mencapai kedudukannya di Sabah terutama di PRU akan datang.

    1. PBS is too strong for STAR to beat.

  5. Members and supporters of PBS should exercise reason and good judgement in the run-up to the 13th General Election.

  6. With the next General Election so close, it is natural that all sorts of issues are being raised by various quarters. The people at large are scrutinizing every statement or comment by politicians.

  7. What they say, whether true, false or only half-true, will shape the judgement and mood of the voters. It is therefore important for the voters to discern the truth. They must not be swayed by emotion but instead be rational to be able to discern the truth and realities of today’s world and its social, political and economic realitie

  8. Malaysians in Sabah were genuinely concerned over issues like illegal immigrants, oil royalties, Borneonization, NCR and several other matters which were being openly debated and discussed in both the mainstream and alternative media.

  9. We are in a democracy after all. Open discussion is good and welcome, but it is also necessary for such matters to be presented in a truthful and rational manner

  10. PBS is facing the stark reality of being a party without the founding giant to lead it. Most political observers would openly admit that PBS’ future looked very different without Pairin at the helm.

  11. Some may even ask if there is any PBS future to talk about because in the tradition of Sabah’s politics, Pairin is PBS and PBS is Pairin, just like Harris (Salleh) was Berjaya and Usno was Mustapha (Harun).

  12. The natural choice for replacement, in accordance with party hierarchy, is Maximus Ongkili. But will Ongkili be able to hold the party together?

  13. Will party members be able or willing to make the paradigm shift that Ongkili will surely usher in with his own brand of philosophy, style and strategy? What new, unseen forces will emerge to challenge him and destabilise the party? Or with the uncertainty prevailing on many fronts, will there be a power struggle?

  14. There can also be serious polemics on whether Pairin should have announced his retirement so early.

  15. Political observers think that whatever politicians, especially the veterans, say or do are well-thought-out strategic moves with subtle gambits, but this is mostly not true. Politicians make mistakes all the time, such as shooting in the dark, putting their foot into their mouths, taking steps into political holes, or worse, explosive mines.

  16. In the case of Pairin’s decision to announce his retirement at this juncture, one may presume it must have been a calculated, tactical move since Pairin is no greenhorn in politics.

    But it is not easy to pinpoint what this tactical move could be.

  17. What we can see is that it may have been a misstep for several reasons:

    i.it has brought down morale and caused trepidation among PBS members (with the PBS Keningau Youth already saying Pairin’s leadership is still needed);
    ii.it has given a morale boost to his opponents, most importantly his brother Jeffrey and his State Reform Party (STAR);
    iii.it has caused confusion among PBS leaders who are now facing members’ hard questions about the party’s future; and
    iv.it has somewhat eroded the (future) relevance of the party within and without the BN.

  18. One may also believe, or assume positively, that Pairin did it all for the purpose of gaining sympathy votes from his and PBS’ constituents.

    He most likely wants to let them know that this is his last round in the game. He likely wants to make them feel they should give him their support for the last time, as their last respect and final farewell gesture.

  19. But this may not necessarily work because there is also the other side of the coin.

    Many may feel he should retire sooner, thus ushering in a change immediately after the election.

  20. Serangan berterusan pembangkang ke atas Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah dan pemimpinnya tidak pernah melemahkan parti itu, kata Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

    Beliau berkata semua pemimpin parti komponen BN di Sabah masih bersatu dan bekerjasama sekaligus menyebabkan Umno semakin kukuh dan sukar digoyangkan.

    1. "Jangan dengar khabar angin, BN bukan saja kuat di Sabah tetapi juga di negeri lain.

      "Rakyat tidak perlu terpengaruh dengan dakyah pembangkang mendakwa kononnya Sabah masih jauh ketinggalan dari segi pembangunan berbanding kawasan lain di negara ini,"

    2. Musa yang juga merupakan Anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno berkata kerajaan BN di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak pernah menyisihkan pembangunan di Sabah, sekaligus menolak dakyah pembangkang.

      "Datanglah ke Sabah dan lihat sendiri pembangunan di sana, dakwaan pembangkang itu berniat jahat," katanya.

    3. Mengenai ura-ura Sabah akan menghadapi masalah daripada kalangan pemimpin negeri itu yang tidak terpilih dalam pilihan raya akan datang, beliau berkata semua pemimpin atasan dan akar umbi sudah dimaklumkan supaya terus setia kepada perjuangan parti.

      "Mereka sedar perpecahan boleh menyebabkan tiada kemajuan dibawa jika diperintah pembangkang seperti berlaku sebelum ini," katanya

  21. Sabah bakal jadi tumpuan pada PRU 13 ini. Suatu ketika dahulu, kerajaan BN tidak menghiraukan kerusi di Sabah kerana kerusi di Semenanjung sudah mencukupi untuk membentuk sesebuah kerajaan namun kini berbeza. Ketua kedua-dua bahagian sama ada Pakatan mahupun BN, masing-masing sibuk meninjau perkembangan di sabah.

    1. Perletakan jawatan dua MP daripada BN adalah satu tamparan besar bagi BN kerana kedua-duanya dikatakan berpengaruh di kawasan masing-masing. Kini kedua mereka ini menjadi MP bebas yang menyokong Pakatan.

    2. Ianya sudah pasti memantapkan lagi jentera serangan pakatan kerana dengan keupayaan dan pengalaman mereka dalam kerajaan akan digunakan untuk menyerang hendap kubuh kuat BN. Namun mampukah mereka berdua ini membawa penyokong masing-masing membuat perubahan lanskap politik Sabah dan membantu pakatan rakyat menerajui putrajaya?

    3. Belum pun redah isu STAR dengan PR yang tidak sebulu, kini timbul masalah secara senyap masuk ke dalam politik pembangkang Sabah. Seandainya perkara ini tidak dapat ditangani, perkara di Kelantan bakal berlaku di Sabah dimana Ibrahim Ali yang menjadi calon bebas dengan menggunakan lambang PAS pada PRU 12 lepas telah menang dan menewaskan calon BN serta calon PAS sendiri.

    4. Tambahan pula di semua mesyuarat agung parti BN pada kali ini mendapati pertambahan ahli dan pertambanah cawangan. Ini juga satu faktor yang menyebabkan laluan pembangkang di Sabah amat sukar.

    5. Kehadiran STAR pula amat diragui kerana, di peringkat kebangsaan dan Sarawak, Star telah menyatakan sokongan padu kepada kerajaan dan STAR Sabah pula bertindak sebagai pembangkang dan mewujudkan anti politik smenanjung. namun persoalannya, mengapa DDJK dikatakan berjumpa dengan bekas Bendahari agung UMNO di Karambunai baru-baru ini. Adakah beliau mempunyai agenda tersirat untuk memecah belahkan penyokong parti pembangkang di Sabah dan menyukarkan PR untuk menawan Sabah.

  22. Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein menasihatkan rakyat agar jangan mudah terpedaya dengan taktik pembangkang yang tidak habis-habis membangkitkan isu sensitif, polemik dan kebencian menjelang musim pilihanraya umum akan datang.

  23. Tegas beliau orag ramai perlu tahu taktik pembangkang ini yang hanya mahu memecah belahkan rakyat serta memburuk-burukkan pemimpin kerajaan.

    “Itulah template mereka untuk serang peribadi pemimpin, mainkan isu keagamaan dan perkauman serta bangkitkan semula isu-isu lama.

  24. “Semuanya akan diputarbelit. Kerajaan BN tidak akan terikut-ikut dengan rentak mereka ini malah kita sentiasa melaksanakan agenda yang membina termasuk menggalakkan orang ramai, khususnya anak-anak muda menggembeling tenaga untuk sama-sama membanteras jenayah”, katanya.

  25. Jelas beliau lagi kerajaan BN akan meneruskan usaha-usaha sedia ada demi kebaikan rakyat dan negara.

  26. Beliau yang juga Menteri Dalam Negeri berkata demikian ketika mengulas kenyataan bekas pengasas PKR Ng Lum Yong yang mendakwa seorang pemimpin tertinggi pembabgkang mengarahkan setiap wakil bahagian parti untuk adakan sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sidang media sebulan bagi maklumkan kawasan mereka tidak selamat dengan tujuan untuk burukkan imej polis, di Sembrong hari ini.

  27. The Infrastructure Development Ministry will focus on existing projects and implementing several new ones next year.

    Its Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who is also a Deputy Chief Minister said among them were high impact projects aimed to improve the community’s quality of life.

  28. he said his ministry received RM368.51 million under the 2012 State Budget – the largest allocation for development purposes.

    The allocation will be distributed to four agencies under the ministry namely Public Works Department (RM186.9 million),Water Department (RM164.9 million) Ports and Harbours Department (RM13.5 million) and Railway Department (RM3.25 million).

  29. He said of the sum to be distributed to PWD, RM109.1 million would be spent on building roads in major and small towns throughout the state and other sectors that help boost the economy such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.

    Pairin also said that RM21.8 million would be spent on building bridges, slopes (RM17.5 million) and RM35.3 million to carry sewerage projects, among others.

  30. He added that ministry would continue to address the water supply issue by continuing with the non-revenue water reduction programme apart from upgrading the booster pump systems and installing more water pipes.

    The allocation for the Department of Ports and Harbours, he said, was meant to install beacons and navigation aids to ease water traffic.

  31. On railway services, Pairin said upgrading work would continue as the number of people who used the service last year reached 593,033 and revenue amounted to RM1.26 million.

  32. Meanwhile, in his reply to the Pantai Manis YB, Pairin said his ministry had obtained approval to upgrade the Donggongon-Papar road and to widen Petagas-Lok Kawi road to ease the congestion.

    Replying to the Inanam YB, he said to ease traffic congestion in Inanam town, upgrading of roads had been proposed in 10th Malaysia Plan while the project to improve the Bukit Pasang-Nountun road has been approved and ready for implementation.

  33. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) : 25 Tahun Bersama Rakyat



  35. The Hon. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan was born on 17 August 1940 in Papar, Sabah. Tan Sri Pairin is married to Puan Sri Datin Seri Panglima Genevieve Lee Chau Ha, a former teacher. They have two sons, Alexander and Daniel, who are both trained lawyers.

  36. Tan Sri Pairin is the founder and President of the Sabah United Party (Parti Bersatu Sabah). Trained as a lawyer at the University of Adelaide, Australia, he worked as State Counsel with the Sabah Legal Department and subsequently as Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP). Prior to joining politics, he also practised law with a local legal firm.

    Tan Sri Pairin joined active politics in 1975 and was elected as Member of the Sabah Legislative Assembly for the Tambunan constituency in 1976 under BERJAYA party's ticket. He has served as Assemblyman for Tambunan since 1976 and Member of Parliament for the constituency of Keningau since 1986.

  37. Tan Sri Pairin formed Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) in March 1985 and led the party to victory in the Sabah general election of April 1985. He held the post of Sabah Chief Minister from April 1985 to March 1994, during which he spearheaded his party's triumphant outings in four successive State elections (1985, 1986, 1990 and 1994). His nine-year term as Chief Minister ended abruptly on 17 March 1994 when 26 of his Assemblymen leapfrogged to the National Front (Barisan Nasional), thereby forcing PBS to lose its majority in the Legislative Assembly.

    Political writings on Tan Sri Pairin have described him variously as "fearless, principled, sincere, humble and resilient". These traits have formed the distinguishing attributes of his inspiring and extremely popular leadership.

  38. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan is also paramount leader (Huguan Siou) of the Kadazandusun community of Sabah, a grouping of some 40-odd sub-ethnic groups which form the largest indigenous component of the Sabah population. He is also President of the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA), the community's principal cultural association.

    In March 2004, Tan Sri Pairin was appointed as the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Rural Development.

    Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan is a member of the Malaysia-Indonesia Eminent Persons Group (EPG).

  39. On 13th May 2009, the Chief Minister announced a minor Cabinet reshuffle which saw the appointment of Tan Sri Pairin as the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Development.

    In recognition for his long, outstanding and meritorious services to the nation, Tan Sri Pairin was conferred the Commander of the Order of the Defender of the Realm or "Panglima Mangku Negara (PMN)" which carries the title "Tan Sri" by the King of Malaysia (Yang DiPertuan Agong) on the occasion of His Majesty's birthday on 5th June 2010.

  40. Muhyiddin praises loyalty and sincerity of PBS as BN component

    Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin says the loyalty and sincerity of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) as a component of the Barisan Nasional (BN) is most appreciated, particularly in developing the nation.

    1. The political struggle of PBS continued to be relevant and the party was gaining the support and trust of the people, he said in a message ahead of the PBS congress scheduled for three days from Nov 20.

    2. Muhyiddin said the 13th General Election would be a key determinant of the BN struggle and that the survival of the coalition was dependent on all members.

    3. As such, he suggested that the election machinery of PBS led by Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan remain united and avert sabotage which could undermine a BN victory in the election.

    4. "Sensitive issues should be addressed with wisdom and compromise to maintain unity and harmony," he said.

    5. Muhyiddin said the people were getting bored with the political games of the opposition parties, but their support for the BN would be dependent on the efforts of the BN machinery to win them over.

    6. He said the wise move of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in introducing the 1Malaysia concept and national transformation measures had earned the country a good reputation.

  41. There are still many who are eligible but have not yet registered as voters and therefore fail to exercise their rights to set the course of the country’s future, claimed Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

    1. In urging this group of people to register, party president, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, said that they must value their rights to cast a ballot because it would be a waste if that basic right was not executed.

    2. “There is still no law that makes it compulsory for every eligible citizen to vote but don’t waste away that right. Some make noise about having names of unqualified people being in the electoral roll but there are still many out there who are eligible to vote but have not registered,” he said

    3. He went on to say that in Australia, the government compels the people to vote because their ballots were crucial in forming a government.

    4. In his speech, Pairin said that PBS had never strayed from its original struggles in advocating the aspirations of the people and upholding democracy.

    5. He said people in Sabah should continue throwing their support to BN under the leadership of Prime Minister, Datuk Najib Tun Razak who truly cared for the people and was always reaching out to them.

    6. “We have seen how Najib has embraced the needs of the people not just in terms of development but security too when he formed the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants,” he said adding that the latest was the issue of the oil royalty which is now open for discussion.

  42. The Prime Minister said the federal government supported the establishment of the KDM College in Kaingaran, Tambunan, as it was the right move to provide wider opportunities for students from Sabah’s interior to pursue higher studies.

  43. Najib said the BN government would not promise something it cannot fulfill, unlike the opposition parties which he said always promised the moon and the stars just to garner support.

  44. You can fool all the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time, they (opposition) have been fooling the people all this while … they don’t walk the talk.

  45. Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata kesetiaan dan keikhlasan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) sebagai anggota komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) amat dihargai terutama dalam membangunkan negara.

  46. Muhyiddin berkata beliau melihat perjuangan PBS, parti pimpinan Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan itu, terus relevan dan semakin mendapat sokongan serta kepercayaan rakyat.

  47. Cooperation and understanding among Barisan Nasional component parties are key to the coalition’s victory in Sabah at the coming general election.

  48. Sabah BN was united and strong and ready to face the opposition parties.

  49. Opposition were trying to garner the people’s support by tarnishing the image of the BN.

  50. BN would continue to safeguard the people’s interest by meeting their needs.

  51. Presiden Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan menegaskan pucuk pimpinan parti itu kekal bersatu di bawah perjuangan bersama Barisan Nasional (BN).

  52. BN leaders constantly “turun padang” to listen to the people and solve their problems. As such, people of Sabah would continue to support the BN.

  53. Pairin yang juga Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah, berkata parti itu percaya hanya BN yang terus memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini tanpa meminggirkan parti komponen lain.

  54. Bagi pucuk pimpinan PBS, kita ingin tekankan perjalanan perjuangan berterusan harus dalam kerajaan BN. Ini yang ingin kita bawa kepada penduduk di kawasan pedalaman," katanya

  55. PBS led by Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who is also a Deputy Chief Minister – is certainly not amused by Dr Jeffrey’s latest antics criticising his own brother for heaping praises on the BN state and federal leaderships.

  56. PBS had voiced out issues close to the hearts of the people of Sabah whenever and wherever the occasion warranted it.

  57. Pairin’s words may be few, but they always carried more weight on matters of policies when they reached the ear of the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister.

  58. airin yang Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur Sabah, berkata penduduk Sabah, khususnya di daerah Tambunan harus terus menyokong dan yakin dengan program dan dasar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang giat mentransformasikan negara menjadi sebuah negara maju dan rakyat berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020 menerusi Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP).

  59. Parin did not just speak out his mind on the need for the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the illegal immigrants issue but acted by getting the BN state leadership to appoint him chairman of the BN Committee on citizenship.

  60. Contrast to Dr Jeffrey, Pairin was certainly not new to the game of politics and he had showed his political acumen in his successful engagement with the BN state and federal leadership on the RCI proposal.


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