
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pubel Kong Kali Kong? (Part 3)

 As in any Banking transaction, the MT760 signifies and tells us of the availability of the funds. It confirms that the Issuing Bank has transmitted such funds into the account of the Recieving Bank. It would give us the recepients a sense of comfort and surety. Now we are VERY doubtful.

Sample MT 760
Bro, mana dia MT 760 (Bank Operational Instrument) dari HSBC ke CIMB? Tolong mintak kat boss. Kalau dia tak bagi memang saheh lu kena korban. Nasib la lu beb! Satu jer nak pesan, kalau lu nak amik sample MT 760 kat atas ni aku izinkan tapi setiap bank formatnya berbeza-beza. :)

Tan Sri Elyas Omar, the best of luck to you Sir... this is Mission Impossible...

Bro, Iran is under embargo by The United States, and ALL money transactions are almost, if not impossible to procure for Iran unless the banking systems is by-passed... what have you guys promised Tan Sri Elyas and give him false hope...

courtesy of Uncleseekersv2

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