
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 10, 2012



THE FEDERAL government must let the RCI on illegals immigrants to completely carry out their functions and finish their job before the 13th General Election is called. This will thereafter paved the way for the electoral rolls to be rectified and clean up by getting rid of any illegal voters.

In this respect, the RCI must immidiately begin their job in order to complete their job in time. The Election Commission must also follow up by getting rid of any questionable voters.
We fully support the call by Bersih to have a free and fair election and this means to clean up the electoral rols from any illegal or phantom voters.

APS respect and accept any political groups elected to form the next government only if the said government elected to power are elected through the due process of law by not having any dubious voters listed in the electoral rolls.

APS has discovered one glaring example where a woman voter whose home address is stated as being in Semenanjung but listed as a voter in the Silam Constituency.

Although the Election may have donentheir so-called cleaning up in the past, however the outcome ofnthe RCI would be able to assist them to enablento speed up the process. At the same time APS is ready to provide any assistance to the authorities if neccessary to identify any dubious voters that might still be listed in the electoral rolls.

One of the core struggle of APS is to urge the federal authorities to restore the trust promised to Sabah as provided for in the Malaysia Agreement in return for Sabah's agreeing to the formation of Malaysia. This also includes the guarantee that Sabah's sovereignty will be protected which have now been clearly violated when the Federal Government blatantly awarded citizenship to undeserving foreigners through dubious means.

These new 'citizens' thereafter were then listed in electoral rolls as voters which enable them to participate in the country's electoral process thus giving them the same rights as the locals. This clearly is a violation of our sovereign rights as Malaysia Citizens which should have been protected by the BN government."

(NOTE : Extract of Speech by Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M. Bumburing at a Majlis Ceramah Umum Pakatan Rakyat-APS near Tamparuli. The function was also attended by Tuaran DAP Chairman Peter Liew; PKR National Council member Datuk Kalakau Untol; APS Vice-Presidents Datuk Dr. Richard Gunting and Datuk Herman Tiongsoh; APS Secretary General Petrus Guriting and several leaders from the other PR components members. The gathering was attended by about 500 people from the various kampung around Tamparuli.)

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