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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TWEET ON Scorpene Deal Scandal EXPOSURE from Singapore

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Apoline clarifies tht  is now filed by French prosecutors and Msian govt persecution of Suaram'll x stop d case in France
video taruk youtube  plisssssssssssss
Sebenarnya xda perkara baru pun yg d terangkan oleh loyar dr Peranchis ni berkenaan   
RT : Apoline:  is now filed by French prosecutors & Msian govt persecution of Suaram'll x stop d case in France.
RT : Apoline: evn if Suaram's made "illegal", anothr relevnt NGO in Msia or evn France can become a civil plaintiff 2
Apoline expls thts evn if Suaram's made "illegal", anothr relevnt NGO in Msia or evn France can become a civil plaintiff 2 
Tony Pua  Apoline clarifies tht  is now filed by French prosecutors and Msian govt persecution... 
 Cynthia/S expls tht the  French L fees now amts2approx€3k/mth, paid4entirely by funds raised fr M'sians cc
Tony Pua@tonypua Apoline explnd that besides witnesses fr M'sia, there're at least 7 other French witnesses, esp fr DCNS
Tony Pua  ApolineCagnat explnd tht Suaram's a "plaintiff" to  case, acceptd by French... 
Prima facie?? just investigation? RT : "....French prosecutors 'cos they found sufficient primafacie basis 2 investigate
Cagnat:Several aspects:The judges will look into the death of Altantuya n how it's linked to the inquiry 
ApolineCagnat explnd tht Suaram's a "plaintiff" to  case, acceptd by French investigatv judge evn if they were x "direct" victims
is at briefg by Suaram's French lawyer ApolineCagnat on scandal in Spore, as not allowd in Msia

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